The Startegy behind this deck is a little complicated. Garbador is to shut off abilities. M Manectric EX is the main attacker and counter to Yveltal EX and Lugia EX. Reshiram is a solid attacker as well as a great counter for Vir/ Gen decks. Kyurem is a solid pokemon when I am using frost sphere but I can also use blizzard Burn for landorus EX. Tropius is a good grass pokemon to counter seismitoad EX. The strategy is to use the tech pokemon when i need to but I can set up quickly when attacking with M Manectric EX. Normally i try not to run decks with alot of different energy types but I think this deck could work.
What do you guys think?
2 Manectric EX
2 M Manectric EX
2 Reshiram (LTR)
2 Kyurem ( PLS)
2 Trubish
2 Garbador (LTR)
1 Tropius (PLB)
4 Juniper
4 N
2 Colress
2 Lysandre
4 Ultra Ball
3 Float stone
3 Muscle Band
1 dowzing Machine
3 Battle Compressor
2 Professors letter
2 Manecrtic spirt link
3 Switch
1 Sacred Ash
3 Electric
3 Fire
3 Water
1 Grass
The Startegy behind this deck is a little complicated. Garbador is to shut off abilities. M Manectric EX is the main attacker and counter to Yveltal EX and Lugia EX. Reshiram is a solid attacker as well as a great counter for Vir/ Gen decks. Kyurem is a solid pokemon when I am using frost sphere but I can also use blizzard Burn for landorus EX. Tropius is a good grass pokemon to counter seismitoad EX. The strategy is to use the tech pokemon when i need to but I can set up quickly when attacking with M Manectric EX. Normally i try not to run decks with alot of different energy types but I think this deck could work.
What do you guys think?