Basically use M Manectric and Max Potion Strategy. Then add a bunch of different type attackers that hit super effective against the fighting weakness.
I cant decide if any stadium is really that helpful for this deck. It does need a counter stadium, maybe Rough Seas.
Not sure if i should use more battle compressor for the energy, and maybe more energy.
3-3 Mega Manectric EX
2-2 Leafeon PLF
2 Mewtwo EX
2 Suicune PLB
4 Professor Sycamore
2 N
2 Birch's Observation
1 Colress
3 Skyla
1 Teammates
1 Lysandre
2 VS Seeker
3 Manectric Spirit Link
3 Muscle Band
4 Ultra Ball
3 Max Potion
1 Dowsing Machine
1 Professor's Letter
1 Tool Retrieval
1 Battle Compressor
1 Switch
1 Escape Rope
1 Startling Megaphone
6 Electric Energy
4 Water Energy
Basically use M Manectric and Max Potion Strategy. Then add a bunch of different type attackers that hit super effective against the fighting weakness.
I cant decide if any stadium is really that helpful for this deck. It does need a counter stadium, maybe Rough Seas.
Not sure if i should use more battle compressor for the energy, and maybe more energy.