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Aspiring Trainer
so ive got this thing in the morning (battle road XD) and im trying to make some last minute changes. so heres my list(please be mean!)

3-2 donphan prime(CoL phanphy)
3-1-3 machamp prime
2 zekrom

2 sages training
2 team rockets trickery
1 black belt
2 twins
1 ruins of alph
2 elms
4 cheren
2 great ball
2 max potion
2 junk arm
3 rare candy
1 collector1 energy search
4 communicators

13 fighting.

so what do you think? the general idea is to start with either zekrom or donphan, then set up machamp then go from there. again, please tear it apart, i want to do the best i can!

I'm not too familiar with Donchamp, so bear with me here.

The general lines I see for Donchamp are a 4-3 (or 4-4) Donphan Prime, a 3-2-3 Machamp Prime, and whatever else you want to fit. Zekrom fits good here, so that's a nice choice, but the only thing I suggest is this:

+ 1 - 1 Donphan Prime
+ 1 Machoke TM

Now you'll need to remove some T/S/S, and I don't see 1 Energy Search being much of a help, mainly because you're running 13 Fighting Energy. It seems like there's some random stuff in here, so I'll start by removing by what I see necessary:

- 1 Black Belt
- 2 Twins
- 2 Cheren
- 2 Professor Elm's New Theory
- 2 Team Rocket's Trickery

These cards don't really provide to the deck's strategy, and there's some better cards you can use. Donphan is a fast card, so you'll almost never need to use Twins/Black Belt, and 4 Cheren is too many. TRT doesn't really give the deck much support, and PETM is just a sub-par card. I suggest you add the following:

+ 2 Pokemon Collector
+ 1 Professor Oak's New Theory
+ 1 Junk Arm
+ 2 Switch
+ 3 Pokemon Catcher

Pokemon Collector should be in a count of 3 (in 4 if you're daring), because you always want the T1 Phanpy. PONT is just nice hand refresh, so you'll want more of it, and Pokemon Catcher is excellent to abuse with Donphan, because 60 damage knocks out many common Basics in this format. 3 Junk Arm is nice to re-use those Catchers and other Trainers, and starting with Zekrom is awful, so you'll want to switch it out.

For a final note, you can probably remove a few energies (maybe 3) to add some cards you like to use.

Hope this helped.
I'd remove the energy search, which isn't great because you run many energy, and a Twins, because with a T2 Donphan, you'll rarely be behind on prizes, for a 1-1 Donphan. This will increase you chances of a T2 Donphan, and add to consistacy.
thank you guys for the help. some of this i was super on the fence about utilizing, so ill make those changes and see where it takes me
you guys rock!