Mareepman's 1st place with Gothitelle/Reuniclus BR report


Yes, I actually am alive.
Well, this is my first tournament report so here goes!

So the night before I was really unprepared for this Battle Road. I had no deck, it was getting pretty late for me, and I had to make my little brother a deck (because he's and is very new to pokemon). Since I pretty much had nothing else to run, I went with Gothitelle/Reuniclus. Before this, I had actually never played G/R but, I had watched my friend (Nizolka33) play with it many times so I kinda had the feel for it.
The next morning I was in a big rush, it was raining hard so we actually got there a tad late. But because not everyone had signed in, we were lucky enough to play in the first round.
Unfortunately, I soon found out there were only 5 seniors there (including me), and so all of us (except for LUCKY me) had to play at least 1 master. Also, since there were only 5 seniors, there was no top cut and so Swiss determined it all.

And... without further ado, here come the matches.

Not much to say here.

ROUND 2- Reshiboar
Well this match I got really lucky. He started out with a reshiram and cyndaquil to my lone solosis. Later he told me that he had a double colorless energy and a pluspower in his starting hand and that he would have won if he would have gone first (LUCKY me again). I had a collector and got out my basics and had a pretty smooth ride from there. I got a turn 3 gothitelle, a turn 4 reuniclus, and soon I had a fully powered gothitelle tanking through his reshirams.

ROUND 3- Magneboar
Sadly, I started out with ANOTHER lone solosis and a bad hand. I couldn't get a draw supporter, when I collectored 1 time, my cleffa was prized, and eventually he got out a magnezone and emboar and went through all my basics.

ROUND 4- Scolipede/Mew/Muk
This match was fairly easy for me, he never really got enough energy to attack and my gothitelle hit for weakness so it was just a matter of time until he scooped.

ROUND 5- google's Deck
This round was also very good for me. I got a turn 2 gothitelle AND reuniclus, he never got vileplume out, and I got 6 psychic energies on gothitelle, basically allowing me to one hit KO everything he threw at me.

Well, thats it for the battles so, here comes the list!
3-Gothitelle #47
2-Gothorita #45
4-Gothita #43
4-Pokemon Collector
4-Rare Candy
4-Pokemon Communication
3- Professor Oak's New Theory
3-Junk Arm
2-Pokemon Catcher
1-Professor Juniper
1-Max Potion
1-Black Belt
2-Double Colorless Energy

Well, looks like that's all for now, thanks for reading and please post your thoughts!
It helps agains Mew Prime. Because Mew is one of my worst matchups, if they run Jumpluff, I can limit my bench so that they cant one hit KO me and I can one hit KO them. If I used Zekrom, I would need 40 damage on me, and I would have to limit my bench space to 2 pokemon so that he couldn't KO me on the next turn. I can also use Tornadus to attack while also getting psychic energies on Gothitelle (because he moves a basic energy to the bench).