Masters-1st place Pompano Beach FL report


We will bury you
Day 2: Pompano Beach, FL

I sat on the floor of my room pondering the metagame. Gyarados, Luxchomp, Vilegar. They all seemed to be the decks to play, so I flipped through my binder (and 'gym threads) and found something very interesting. Steelix? Well, I checked it out anyways. Steelix seemed to have a great matchup vs all 3 decks. Gyarados would be a grinder but certainly favorable, Luxchomp was a joke matchup, and Vilegar wasn't very difficult either. Only one was I going to gather all of the cards, and create a consistent list? I had never played it before. I scrapped the idea and built Regigigas. I went to the event knowing that the metagame was against me. I sat at the table, wondering what to play. 5 minutes before deck checks ended, I built Vilegar. The list that I had worked on with a few others had some great techs, was incredibly consistent, and destroyed mirror. I told Jon (LtG) that Vilegar was definately winning this city.

Round 1 vs Mitch P (Gyarados)

Gyarados is always an interesting matchup. I start pretty good, Spiritomb active, and start to setup my Oddish, and Gengar. He gets a pretty slow set-up with an active Floatzel GL with a rescue energy attached and I begin to lock and deal damage. Eventually, the field is pretty set up and I take 3 prizes. He gets out Dialga G Lv X, and that's where things quickly go downhill. He KO's my Gengar and I whiff on the Fainting Spell, and I am forced to start using Spiritombs to setup again. I sacrifice 3 Spiritombs more before I finally get out another Gengar. By now, I pick off another prizes with the help of Crobat G, and Mitch is up 2-1. He decides to attack my Gengar. I flip and hit heads on Fainting Spell, finally! The game goes into sudden death. My heart is pounding, this game is terrifying. He starts off with an Eevee, whereas I start off with a Gastly. Attach psychic, Pitch Dark. He uses Call for family. I drop a Crobat G and flash bite his Eevee, draw, and pass. He retreats Eevee, promotes Sableye, and uses Impersonate for a collector. I use Uxie to Set Up, and draw into 3 psychic energy, more than enough to Cursed Droplet Eevee for game. GG


Round 2 vs ??? (Flychamp w/Blaziken FB tech)

The game starts and I get an average start. Uxie. He starts with 3 Machops. I figure that I am playing straight Machamp, until a Blaziken FB comes out of nowhere! I was like, interesting. I also see a Trapinch on the bench and still cannot figure out what I am playing against. I attack with Uxie and begin to set up. He still can't seem to get anything up, although he does evolve a benched Machop into Machoke, and attaches a DCE. I 'Q Uxie, promote Spiritomb and begin to Darkness Grace. After 3 turns, he has 2 Machamp primes (one witha DCE), and I have a Gengar with energy, and a Vileplume. I promote Gengar and start taking a bunch of prizes, 3 at least. He cannot seem to retreat his active, and I continue to pick off the bench. I don't even think that he gets to attack before I sweep 6 prizes. Cool deck. GG


Round 3 vs Kaitlynn S. (HSU Toolbox)

When I say HSU Toolbox, i'm talking Houndoom, Crobat, and Scizor prime. is this 2-0? Whatever. I'm gonna thrash it. *Draws 7 cards*. 3 psychic energy, Spiritomb, Oddish, Dark Energy, BTS. WOW. She literally god starts and drops a T2 scizor prime (benched thankfully) with an active Uxie. I draw 7 turns of nothing. Although I do set up Vileplume this game T1, I cannot get anything else. I attack with Spiritomb for 4 turns straight (and it does set me up for some nifty KO's later on. By the time I get a Gengar SF out, she has Houndoom benched, Scizor (with 6 energy) active, Scizor benched, and Crobat benched. I take a prizes and she KO's me, whiff on Fainting Spell. I build up 2 more Gengars, and whiff both times on Fainting Spell. I still do not give up, the prizes are 4-2 her. I Twins into another Gengar X, and Poltergeist. 11 card hand, and two trainers. Wowwww lol. I would have been able to crush it had I gotten a better start, but I did the best with what I was given. Interesting deck. GG


Round 4 vs Roberto P (Uxie Donk)

The whole reason I had even played Vilegar was because I lost to Roberto last week and wanted revenge. I start Spiritomb and 2 Gastly to his Uxie. He cyclones (going 2nd) and goes on flipping coins and everything for roughly 10 minutes lol, he really goes through 32 cards ( i had counted). Unfortunately, he gets something like 7 tails in a row. I promote Gastly and Pitch dark while setting up a Vileplume. Once the Plume is up, he scoops. Sorry! GG


Round 5 vs Scott H (Gechamp w/Mewtwo)

Scott starts with a Mewtwo, and I slow donk him T4 (through BTS, Gengar, Poltergeist). He has a terrible hand. Sorry!


I breathe a sign of relief, top cut. There is a Top 4, and it looks something like this;

1. Kaitlynn S (HSU Toolbox)
2. Kevin K (me) (Vilegar)
3. Roberto P (Uxie Donk)
4. Chris B (Luxchomp)

Looks like I am playing Uxie Donk again.

Top 4:

T4 vs Roberto P (Uxie Donk)

Pitch Dark. GG

Game 2:

He does get a turn to blowup, but starts with a Q. I have a great start, and he Night Teleporters. Tails. GG.


T2 vs Chris B (Luxchomp)

Bianchi's a great player, I knew that this would be difficult. I get the T1 Vileplume as hoped for, and his deck just dies. I mean, we do exchange prizes, and use Smeargle so much in this matchup. I portrait Cyrus a few times, which helps me out. Gengar SF goes to town, KOing Garchomp C Lv X with Poltergeist, Uxie Lv X with Poltergeist, and Luxray GL Lv X with Poltergeist :). He does KO one Gengar, and I whiff on Fainting Spell. Oh Well. I ensure that he will not drag out Vileplume by Q'ing it, and having the energy ready to be attached. He scoops game 1.

Game 2:

Game 2 is a lot less exciting. I get the T2 Vileplume (YA BOYYY) and generally just keep taking prizes. Smeargle assists me (although it does get sprayed T1 lol) and I use Twins after he takes the first prizes quickly. Once I start Poltergeisting everything, he just scoops. GG


First Tournament win ever :)
My gut instincts for being pro again
Jon and his clutch driving (and playing Porygon Z!)
Bianchi for being a cool guy
Alex/Tony B. Moreso Tony ;)
Alex for almost T/Cing with Garchomp/Machamp
Revenge vs Uxie
Gucci Mane <3 (What we named our Vilegar list)
Memories by David Guetta (All I could think of during all 7 games lol)

McDonalds, gross.
Wow man, gj on the win, you beat Bianchi!!! I hear he is one of the best players in Florida.

Are you going to the Georgia Marathon? I would love to play you if you go.

congrats on win. nice work beating uxie. i have no idea why, but it is getting good.
Billy- Thanks man. Bianchi's incredibly good. I'm gettin there. I will not be able to attend the Georgia marathon. I wanted to, but I have wrestling practice 2-3 days a week and am not allowed to miss =/

Blargh- Thanks. I hate uxie so much lol
Nice job man! Even with Vilegar being such a great deck I refuse to play it due to the new time rules. And because it's meta :p IMO there are a lot of other Gengar varients that look like they'd do so well but don't because whenever someone thinks of Gengar, it's Vilegar.

Sucks I didn't get to see hardly any of all of you before I'm leaving again to MN. Rrrrr...

I remember you told me when I said I might play Steelix that you said it sucks, and you actually considered it :p I would've played it, but my friend was playing a sort of BLG varient and I've only beaten it twice out of, like, 5 -_- I'm glad I stuck to Machamp/Umbreon. It's an SP party up there, and they don't have efficient techs to counter it.

You know, it seems like you played a lot of interesting decks I haven't even seen before, and some slightly underplayed.

Well, good job yet again, good luck if you go to another one.
Kevin Kobayashi: Head Honcho of the format.

Nice job beastin' it up in Pompano, Kev. You chose well, despite the split-second decision. You stuck to your guns, got up on top of it all, and you flipped that table straight over. The only thing stopping you was some luck-sacky scrub, but who hasn't that happened to?

Great job, man. Hope to see some action like this when it comes time for States.