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Masters/Seniors: 2 Decks: Healix and Blastgatorem HGSS on


Aspiring Trainer
My brothers and I are hoping to go to some of the Georgia Marathon in the next few days. However, it's a fairly long way to drive and I'd like them to have a good run after the drive and not be disappointed by how their decks perform, so any input y'all have would be great. As a family, we don't really like playing 'meta' decks; we find it more fun to work with interesting cards that aren't that popular but that we think have potential.


Pokemon: 19
3-3 Steelix prime UL (Onix with the energy healing power)
2-1-2 Klinklang BW
3 Skarmory UD
1-1 Zoroark BW
1-1 Blissey prime HGSS
1 Cleffa HGSS

4 Pokemon Collector
3 Pokemon Communication
2 Max potion
2 Catcher
2 Rare candy
2 Junk arm
1 N
2 Twins
2 Pluspower
2 Switch

Energy: 15
4 Special Metal
7 Metal energy

The ideal is to open with Skarmory and start putting special metals onto a benched Onix. Also set up a Klinklang as fast as possible on the bench. Once Skarmory has been switched back to the bench or KOed (in which case you should use Twins), begin tanking with Steelix, hopefully reducing damage by 40 with special metals. When Steelix gets too damaged to continue tanking, use Klinklang to move all metals off of Steelix, play max potion/Blissey to heal the damage off him, and then move all the metal back. Problems are the fire weakness which Zoroark tries to help with, but with eviolite out, I'm not sure if it's even worth it to have him (and the pluspowers either). The deck is also quite catcher prone, with heavy retreat Pokemon like Klinklang and benched Onixes. The frequent 2's on the TSS list above are an attempt to balance the deck with a little bit of everything, but I'm afraid a lot of consistency is being lost. If y'all have any suggestions for what could be taken out to beef up other more important lines, I'd be grateful.

The other deck is my other bro's Blastoise/Feraligator/Kyurem deck which has been struggling a little bit. He's actually still in Seniors, though not for much longer.
Pokemon: 17
3-1-2 Blastoise UL
3-1-2 Feraligatr Prime HGSS
2 Kyurem NV
1-1 Suicune Entei Legend
1 Cleffa

TSS: 29
4 Pokemon Collector
3 Pokemon Communication
2 Juniper
3 Sage's training
3 Rare candy
2 Catcher
2 Twins
2 Junk arm
2 Switch
1 Interviewer's questions
1 Fisherman
1 Energy retrieval

Energy: 14
11 Water

Theoretically, these cards should work quite well together. Starting with Kyurem, you want to get at least one glaciate off before he is Koed. In the meantime, you want to be setting up Feraligatr and Blastoise on you bench. After a glaciate, Blastoise's hydro launcher should be really useful, as he'll be able to snipe any already damaged Pokemon for the magic 130 number. In addition, Feraligatr can be brought in for late game support, as his Hydro crunch does even more damage after a glaciate or two. The variety of weaknesses in the deck can be helpful and makes it not an autoloss to lightning like Blastzel is. SEL is a tech to hit annoying metal Pokemon like Cobalion, who may give this deck trouble, for weakness. This deck, like the former, is very catcher prone with a big stage-2 sitting in the back powering the deck. Any suggestions would be great, for either or both decks!!
Healix i love the deck but i dont thin zoro is necessary and your tss is all over the place here what id do

-1-1 zoroark
-1-1 blissey
-1 comm
-2 twins
-1 pont
-1 n
-1 skarmory

+2-2 scizor prime
+3 juniper
+2 junk
+1 catcher
hope this helps will post abouy kyuremgator once read

-1 comm
-2 switch (dont need cuz u really are just attacking you definately dont want damage on the bench in this deck
-1 iq
-1 totodile
-1 sage
-1 retreivel/fisherman (i would prefer two fisherman but u should def run two of the same)

+2 junk arm
+1 catcher
+1 pont
+1 wartortle
+1 blastoise
+1 fisher/retreival (see above)
I'm not seeing the Blastoise and SEL together. SEL's first attack does the exact same as Blastoise's (well, you can't hit the active, but you can use the second attack for that (although you'd want a Fire or Rainbow tech). I'd scrap the Blastoise together since it seems sort of redundant and go with:

-3-1-2 Blastoise
-1 Interviewer's Questions
-1 Energy Retrieval
-1 Fisherman
-3 DCE

Without Blastoise, you don't really need the DCE that much. With around 14 energy (we'll be putting some more in later) and the right draw cards you shouldn't have much trouble having enough energy over the course of the game.

+0-1-1 Feraligatr Prime (so that you'll have a 3-2-3 line, much more consistent and less vulnerable to something being prized)
+2 Kyurem (This guy is definately a great card to go along with Feraligatr and SEL. After a single Glaciate, Hydro Crunch of Torrent Blade OHKOs almost anything in the format. Running more Kyurem helps get it early game)
+1 Pokemon Communication (this is a staple card, the best one for getting out evolutions in a deck without Vileplume. 4 is a good idea)
+2 Junk Arm (This is a handy addition, being able to reuse trainers is very useful. It can become a Switch, a Catcher, a Candy, or a Communication in your deck. The ability to be used in almost any scenario is great)
+1 Sage's Training (I'm a big fan of this card, since it lets you dig through your deck very well regardless of the circumstances. Maxing them out isn't a bad idea)
+1 PONT/Juniper/Twins (really, this decision might be more preference. I'd add one more to whichever of these cards you find yourself using or wanting more of)
+1 Water Energy
+2 Fire Energy (These additions get you back to a good amount of energy after the removal of DCE. Fore Energy is prefered over Rainbow because Kyurem and SEL's first attacks are both {W}{W}{C} so the Fire Energy can be used for the colorless, but this way you don't put damage counters on your own Pokemon)

Having never used Steelix before, I'm going to avoid commenting too much on that right now, although if I can playtest a bit with it later I might suggest some changes.
^ your taking away the point of the deck and while more kyurem is good blastoise is one of the main cards in the ddeck cuz once you kyurem once or twice you can ohki anything with blastoise you should try taking out sel
Simply put, SEL does Blastoise's job better. Its requires 2 cards to be set up instead of 3 (not counting the energy, which is the exact same for both), it can be potentially set up in a turn whereas Blastoise takes 2-3 turns depending on whether you use Candy or Wartortle, and SEL singlehandedly makes the Durant and Cobalion matchups go to favorable. If you are worried about using Feraligatr wrong as using Blastoise to move the water energy, a Shaymin or two would be better.
I would agree that Suicune Entei Legend is a suitable, and even better, replacement for Blastoise. If Feraligatr is being ran properly, the Rain Dance ability practically negates the Energy return cost (which is what Blastoise's Wash Out would normally try to do but only if the energy is already out). If the worry is not getting SEL out, you might try replacing two Trainers (Interviewer's Question and one other) for 2 Legend Boxes. If the first ten cards in line are the two Legend pieces you can play that Legend card (with the energy revealed) onto the Bench. Then retreat or Switch out your other Pokemon and let the fun begin (hope Feraligatr Prime is out). If doable having two copies of SEL might not be a bad thing (I would understand if this isn't doable though).

Don't forget that Kyurem's Glaciate strikes your opponent's active Pokemon as well. Neither SEL nor (if he was here) KGL (Kyogre Groudon Legend) do that, they are relegated to attacking Benched Pokemon. While Blatoise can do this, Kyurem gets everyone, not just one Pokemon. This is what makes Kyurem so ideal to this idea.
Oh, wow, I didn't even realize that SEL's Torrent blade was limited to the bench, meaning it can't really hit anything for weakness with its water attack. Thanks for the replies you guys. There seems to be some contention on whether blastoise or SEL needs to go, so I'll playtest with my bro tonight with modified versions and see what he prefers. I'll add an updated list later. I'll definitely add more Kyurems, though; we just pulled a reverse holo 4th recently. Thanks again!

@Pikajew1213: Thanks for the Steelix ideas especially; that should thicken the important lines a bit. Unfortunately, we only have 1 Scizor prime. Do you still think he's worth it as a 1-1 line?
Defenately especially as a counter to cake trust me it kills it if thats the case i would add a smoochum in and a 4th catcher
-1 N
- 1-1 Zoroark
- 1 Catcher
-1 Plus Power

+ 1 Communication
+2 Junk Arm
+ 2 Sage's Training

We're just cutting off some of the unneeded "fat" of the deck to make it more consistent. You'll be able to fish for things much more easily with Sage's Training, too.