Pokemon: 16
Set up Archeops as quickly as possible for its "Ancient Power" ability, which stops each player from evolving their Pokemon from their hand. Evosoda allows you to bypass Archeops' ability and allow Pyroar to come into play. Pyroar's "Intimidating Mane" ability (blocks basic Pokemon from attacking it) combined with Archeops' ability basically locks your opponent out of the game, since they will not be able to evolve manually and thus they will not be able to directly damage Pyroar since all they will only be left with Basic Pokemon. Normally one would use Plume Fossil and Archen PLB to get Archeops into play, but that I have found that to be much too clunky. So instead this whole deck revolves around getting Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick to be the last card in your hand, which if accomplished, allows you to grab a Fighting type Pokemon from your discard pile and place it directly onto the bench.
- Acro Bike to burn through your deck quickly and hopefully allows you to chuck an Archeops or other unwanted cards into your discard pile.
- Battle Compressor for same reason, also combos nicely if this card and VS Seeker are the last cards in your hand, for they will allow you to get both a Maxie and an Archeops in the discard pile.
- Evosoda is the only way to allow your Pokemon to evolve once the Archeops lock gets set up.
- The high Ultra Ball count is to allow you the have the maximum potential to thin your hand out in order to play Maxie.
- Lysandre's Trump Card is used due to the fact that you will burn very quickly through this deck once you get set up, and in the process you will often find yourself discarding valuable resources (like evolution lines, Evosodas, energy); having this card gives us the option of getting everything back.
- Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick: the centerpiece of the deck. Once this is the last card in your hand, it allows you to immediately bench Archeops and draw 5 cards.
- Scorched Earth serves as a counter stadium and it pairs nicely with Blacksmith at times. And it's just nice getting a little extra draw support.
- The one Pyroar from Phantom Forces is for its ability "Flare Command," which allows you to discard a fire energy attached to it so you can bring out one of your opponent's benched Pokemon. It is very useful for getting rid of potential threats (such as evolutions that manage to get through before Archeops comes into play). It's a Lysandre effect with the benefit of not having used a supporter for the turn.
- Electrode is a helpful draw support, seeing as how we have a very low draw Supporter count.
- The use of 2 Jirachi EX is what allows this deck to function. I'm aware it leaves an easy target (or two) for your opponent to pick at, but this allows us to be more flexible with our supporters, like say, thinning our hand down to an Ultra Ball and two other cards in order to grab a Jirachi and Stellar Guidance for Maxie.
- Mewtwo EX is just an all around great attacker.
- Seismitoad EX is admittedly not a very strong attacker without Laserbank; at the most with this deck it is dishing out without hitting for weakness 50 damage with a Muscle Band. The only reason it is here is to help slow your opponents down as you try to set up.
This deck is still in its testing stages. So far this deck works surprisingly well; there are many games where I am able to Archeops onto the bench on the very first turn, immediately putting my opponents in a very nasty lock. Of course this locks me as well, but I usually am able to draw into my Evosodas and begin walling and steam rolling with Pyroar. Energy can be an issue and there are games where I'm not able to set up at all and it all just falls apart. I also would like to make room for a Startling Megaphone or Tool Scrapper for Garbodor, but that usually is not an issue once Archeops sets up. Counters to this deck include obviously Seismitoad EX (they bar you from playing your Evosodas, so getting Archeops is usually not a very good idea, and they pretty much lock down this entire deck anyways), Exeggutor PLF (it blocks Maxie, but it is still possible to have the chance of using him and getting an Archeops and prevent them from getting one into play), Eevee FUF (its ability "Energy Evolution" allows it to evolve from the deck, not from the hand, enabling it to completely bypass "Ancient Power"), Latias EX PLF (her "Bright Down" ability prevents Pyroar from attacking it, so maybe this deck needs to make room for Charizard EX with Combustion Blast), Wobbuffet PHF (its "Bide Barricade" is devastating to this deck since it pretty much neutralizes all your Pokemon's abilities, so running Silent Lab might be necessary to help deal with it) and simply your opponent having their own Evosodas. This is more of a fun, casual kind of deck, but it's so sick when you are able to set up right away.
Any suggestions to help make this deck run better will be greatly appreciated.
4 Litleo FLF
3 Pyroar FLF
1 Pyroar PHF
1 Voltorb XY
1 Electrode PLF
2 Archeops NVI
1 Mewtwo EX
1 Seismitoad EX
2 Jirachi EX
4 Acro Bike
4 Battle Compressor
1 Computer Search
3 Evosoda
1 Escape Rope
2 Muscle Band
1 Professor's Letter
1 Switch
4 Ultra Ball
4 VS Seeker
1 Blacksmith
1 Lysandre
1 Lysandre's Trump Card
2 Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick
3 Professor Sycamore
1 Scorched Earth
6 Fire Energy
Set up Archeops as quickly as possible for its "Ancient Power" ability, which stops each player from evolving their Pokemon from their hand. Evosoda allows you to bypass Archeops' ability and allow Pyroar to come into play. Pyroar's "Intimidating Mane" ability (blocks basic Pokemon from attacking it) combined with Archeops' ability basically locks your opponent out of the game, since they will not be able to evolve manually and thus they will not be able to directly damage Pyroar since all they will only be left with Basic Pokemon. Normally one would use Plume Fossil and Archen PLB to get Archeops into play, but that I have found that to be much too clunky. So instead this whole deck revolves around getting Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick to be the last card in your hand, which if accomplished, allows you to grab a Fighting type Pokemon from your discard pile and place it directly onto the bench.
- Acro Bike to burn through your deck quickly and hopefully allows you to chuck an Archeops or other unwanted cards into your discard pile.
- Battle Compressor for same reason, also combos nicely if this card and VS Seeker are the last cards in your hand, for they will allow you to get both a Maxie and an Archeops in the discard pile.
- Evosoda is the only way to allow your Pokemon to evolve once the Archeops lock gets set up.
- The high Ultra Ball count is to allow you the have the maximum potential to thin your hand out in order to play Maxie.
- Lysandre's Trump Card is used due to the fact that you will burn very quickly through this deck once you get set up, and in the process you will often find yourself discarding valuable resources (like evolution lines, Evosodas, energy); having this card gives us the option of getting everything back.
- Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick: the centerpiece of the deck. Once this is the last card in your hand, it allows you to immediately bench Archeops and draw 5 cards.
- Scorched Earth serves as a counter stadium and it pairs nicely with Blacksmith at times. And it's just nice getting a little extra draw support.
- The one Pyroar from Phantom Forces is for its ability "Flare Command," which allows you to discard a fire energy attached to it so you can bring out one of your opponent's benched Pokemon. It is very useful for getting rid of potential threats (such as evolutions that manage to get through before Archeops comes into play). It's a Lysandre effect with the benefit of not having used a supporter for the turn.
- Electrode is a helpful draw support, seeing as how we have a very low draw Supporter count.
- The use of 2 Jirachi EX is what allows this deck to function. I'm aware it leaves an easy target (or two) for your opponent to pick at, but this allows us to be more flexible with our supporters, like say, thinning our hand down to an Ultra Ball and two other cards in order to grab a Jirachi and Stellar Guidance for Maxie.
- Mewtwo EX is just an all around great attacker.
- Seismitoad EX is admittedly not a very strong attacker without Laserbank; at the most with this deck it is dishing out without hitting for weakness 50 damage with a Muscle Band. The only reason it is here is to help slow your opponents down as you try to set up.
This deck is still in its testing stages. So far this deck works surprisingly well; there are many games where I am able to Archeops onto the bench on the very first turn, immediately putting my opponents in a very nasty lock. Of course this locks me as well, but I usually am able to draw into my Evosodas and begin walling and steam rolling with Pyroar. Energy can be an issue and there are games where I'm not able to set up at all and it all just falls apart. I also would like to make room for a Startling Megaphone or Tool Scrapper for Garbodor, but that usually is not an issue once Archeops sets up. Counters to this deck include obviously Seismitoad EX (they bar you from playing your Evosodas, so getting Archeops is usually not a very good idea, and they pretty much lock down this entire deck anyways), Exeggutor PLF (it blocks Maxie, but it is still possible to have the chance of using him and getting an Archeops and prevent them from getting one into play), Eevee FUF (its ability "Energy Evolution" allows it to evolve from the deck, not from the hand, enabling it to completely bypass "Ancient Power"), Latias EX PLF (her "Bright Down" ability prevents Pyroar from attacking it, so maybe this deck needs to make room for Charizard EX with Combustion Blast), Wobbuffet PHF (its "Bide Barricade" is devastating to this deck since it pretty much neutralizes all your Pokemon's abilities, so running Silent Lab might be necessary to help deal with it) and simply your opponent having their own Evosodas. This is more of a fun, casual kind of deck, but it's so sick when you are able to set up right away.
Any suggestions to help make this deck run better will be greatly appreciated.