Title idea from AadmM, Banner credit to EPM, Electivire art in banner credit to Xous.
Prologue (Below)
So, after an entire year on the Beach and as a 1000 post celebration, I figured this was good to celebrate it. Its still awesome how I get 1000 posts on my Pokebeach Birthday.
If there are any mistakes, please feel free to tell me!
It was a rainy afternoon. The clouds over the populated area of Jubilife were dark and gloomy. Thunder could be heard booming over the sea in the west, along with the occasional flash of lightning. Although the storm had barely started to sprinkle the soil, the mothers of adolescent children called in their young ones before they became dirty or injured. This however was not the case of a teenage boy, who had just been released from school.
The young man was no older than thirteen. On this particular day, he wore his favorite shirt, a primarily white one with a large red Pokeball symbol in the bottom right. A standard pair of blue jeans and some dull, worn yellow shoes covered the bottom half of the juvenile. The slightly wet dirty blonde hair shimmered from becoming slowly soaked as he ran through the thickening rain.
The wind began to suddenly gust strongly. It threw the boy on the ground, where his back became stained with street water. The rain picked up to much more than a small drizzle, quickly covering everything unsheltered. The monsoon was too much for the teen, and he swiftly searched for shelter. He saw a metal awning guarding a spot on the sidewalk no more than 10 feet away. The young man dashed under the store canopy before the lightning flashed overhead. A deafening boom shook the ground nearby as a bolt of lightning struck the ground only a block away.
The boy was on edge, extremely nervous from the storm. He never noticed the door behind him open up until the man that came from it spoke.
"How ya doin' there partner?" he asked in a loud, confident, Southern accent. The words spooked the teen enough for him to leap up high enough to bump his head on the rafters above him. He quickly tumbled to the ground again before realizing that there was nothing to be afraid of. The cowboy hoisted him up after extending a hand to the fallen boy. "Howdy there! My name's Chase!" He shook the boy's hand firmly as he introduced himself.
The boy studied the friendly cowboy for a while. He wore an orange shirt underneath a leather vest. His pants were also leather, but were slightly darkened from the rain rebounding off the ground. He had a white cowboy hat, underneath which was a face with the features carved into it distinctly. He figured he could be friendly, but in battle, Nate knew he would be a tough opponent, just from first impressions. He looks sort of familiar... Nate thought. He searched his mind for anything, but nothing seemed to be certain. Finally, the boy spoke. His mouth cerntainly moved, but the noise was drowned out by the intense rain falling no more that a few feet away from them. "What'd you say sonny?" Chase asked.
This time, the child was audible. "Nate!" he yelled. "My name is Nate! I live on the edge of the city near route 203!" he shouted once more.
"Well, it's a pleasure to meet such a mighty fine boy like you in this here pourin' rain. Maybe we could sit inside 'til the storm passes. The trip to route 203 is several minutes from here." Chase suggested. "Besides, I don't want my hat to get wet."
Nate nodded his head. "Sure thing!" he responded. The duo headed in to dry off and have something to eat.
Nate was amazed at the things the small thrift shop contained. Thousands of boxes filled with assorted Pokemon goodies and Training guidline books filled the shelves of the market. Colorful bags lined the walls, each and every one of them bulging with toys and tools. A large fridge in the back contained tens upon hundreds of pounds of Pokefood. Random things like shards, power items, and TMs were littered throughout the store. Past posters from cash prize tournaments occupied the walls so much that the surface behind them was unseen. A dusty smell ematated from the old rug when they laid foot on it.
"Wow, how much stuff is in here?" Nate exclaimed. "How have I never heard of this place?" he quickly added.
"Well, I've been collecting random Pokemon things ever since I was lil' boy like you." Chase responded. "Oh shucks, there must be thousands of doodads and thingamajigs I've collected over the years. Sadly, we don't get too much buisness, but whenever people find out about this place, they usually return with more needs. Mind you, findin' customers is hard, but they almost always love the place."
"Well, I love most of the things in here myself! May I look around for a while while we're here? I don't think that storm is gonna go away anytime soon." Nate pleaded.
"Hold on there boy. You do happen to be a Pokemon trainer, right?"
"I sure am. Why, do you wanna see my Pokemon?" Nate replied while searching for his Pokemon in his backpack.
"No no no, I actually wanted to ask you to do somethin' for me." Nate nodded eagarly for him to go on. "Well, some time last week, I awoke to a nightmare in my shop. Nearly everything was on the floor or in pieces. I began to clean up, but the next morning, it was worse than the first attack. This time however, I found various things burnt, either from fire or electricity. The thing is destroying possible merchendise, and I have no idea what it is. I think I've cornered it into the backroom though. I'll give you a discount if you can catch it or do whatever you younguns do nowadays."
With the large amount of things he wanted, Nate knew that the discount would help him immensely. It was also the polite thing to do, and since he was stuck here from the giant rainstorm, he might as well. He accepted the challenge, and Chase lead him to the door leading to the backroom. "Remember, if you need out, just pound on the door. I'll also be able to watch through this here window," he reminded Nate.
"Thanks, I will." Let's see... Nate thought. Chase said that it was likely that the Pokemon was Electric or Fire. My Cubone will be prepared for either of them. Yeah, I'll use him. And without further ado, he walked in and closed the door behind him.
"Go, Cubone!" Nate shouted. "Now I just need to find that Pokemon. I wonder where-- AHHH!" A Pokemon had leaped out in front of him, interrupting his sentence. The Pokemon a little under two feet tall, about a third as big as the trainer before it. The two appendages on top of its head looked like an electrical plug, and sure enough, electricity was sparking off of them. The yellow body of the Pokemon was striped with black, and at this point, Nate was sure of it. The Pokemon was an Elekid.
He had encountered one of them before while battling a trainer a few weeks ago, but this wild one looked much more menacing. He knew its electric attacks couldn't do anything to a ground type like Cubone, but Nate knew he would have other moves. He knew he would have to take it down quickly before it gave anyone else trouble.
"Cubone, Heatbutt!" Nate commanded. The Bone Pokemon charged toward his opponent, but Elekid was faster. It dropped to the ground and kicked at Cubone's legs, making him topple to the ground. It proceeded to launch at the Ground Type with a Quick Attack. The trained Pokemon was sent hurtling back, all the way to its master. "C'mon, get up!" Nate urged. "You can do it! Bone Club him into the ground!" The Pokemon charged once again, much angrier and also with its bone raised above his head. The yellow Pokemon intended to dodge it, but wasn't fast enough to completely avoid the attack. The bone landed a devastating blow to the arm, rendering it useless.
The Electric type knew that Physical attacks were out of the question for its movepool with his injured arm. As an alternative, he shot stars from his functioning arm. Nate called out to Cubone once again. "Try to deflect that Swift attack with your club!" The first few were hit and dissapeared, but the stars were more powerful than expected. The Cubone's arm was thrown back forcefully and then took the full brunt of the attack. This is going on too long. Nate fretted. I have to put this guy out of commision before he seriously hurts Cubone.
"Bonemerang, now!" he beckoned. The bone Pokemon let its bone loose to knock Elekid straight in the belly. The weapon skillfully returned to the Pokemon's hand while the opposing side fell to the ground with the wind taken from him. Now that he's winded, its a great time for a Pokeball! the teen thought excitedly. Without further hesitation, the wild Pokemon was encapsulated within a ball. The ball shook violently several times before finally clicking. The door leading to the main part of the store opened with a creak, and both of the humans let out a sigh of relief.
"Good job Cubone. That was a tough Pokemon," Nate praised as he returned the Bone Pokemon to his ball. He picked up his newest team member prodly and showed his catch to Chase.
"Thank you oh so very much for getting rid of that evil Pokemon. That lil' prankster needed ti be taken down sooner or later," the adult remarked. "Anyways, looks like you've defeated him. I'm a man of my word, so you can have a discount off of everything here!" Chase reminded as he swung his arm to indicate the way to the shop.
"Thanks a lot!" Nate replied as he began to search the store for anything useful.
The rain had finally stopped and Nate headed home. He thanked Chase once again for sheltering him, and proudly carried a box of things back to his house.
Near the end of a 20 minute trot back to his home, he pondered on what he was going to say to his mom. He checked his Poketch and realized that it was two hours after he was supposed to be home. He finally came up to one thing; to tell the straight up truth. He had proof from his new Elekid, and the things he had bought. He would take any punishment he had to, however bad it was. He finally mustered the guts to come on in. The first words he heard were from his enraged mother.