Here is the signup list for your convenience. Use it to speed things along. The name in parentheses next to a player's username is their PTCGO username. If there is no name following their username, their PTCGO username is the same as their PB username.
Please make sure your PTCGO username is correct. Your PTCGO username is the name you battle with,
not what you sign in with. If this is the case, please PM me ASAP so I can fix it, and please PM your opponent so they can make the necessary changes as well.
Premium competitors:
- PwnzorProd
- Twixz
- Frosstoise
- woahaustin
- Trixss
- Bigscrap84
- Gengar master
- tsefood
- BKRapper
- Ecourts
- austincredible76
- IBM Kid (IBM-Kid)
- Epist (Epist00)
- Turbinatorzz (Sports-Fan-Jay)
- Nobodyshero2727
- CassieBrown (CassieBrown0905)
- AngelBeast (BurnsyBeast)
- Kyle8589 (Rey858)
- Skylite (NWOSKYLITE21)
- Anthony Bulone (bulone24)
- jbcheshire (macboy02)
- Hansel (Rhodan818)
- Arneboy11
- killrnite
- morpheus (morpheus777)
- Serperior (EspeonROX)
- Coolpilot
- MrxRubin (Mr_Rubin)
- Seng vang (Svang20)
- Dadoum (bilLkarkariy)
- Derek2727
- Doby
- Dfwallace2
- MoFoTY86 (Twitchy05)
- ozzie347
- Demitrius (demitriusy1998)
Overflow premium competitors:
- GrandPanacea (Tobi2x4)
- Jadethepokemontrainer (someweirdpokemo)
- Slurma
- Starrydash (Radlynn)
- jessalakasam (Trainerdylan19)
- Bournopolis (Dlbourne90)
- Mazo (Mazo90)
- NinJamezor (DrVonStreusel)
- bdov777
- BrianFrobey
- The_Poke_Bros (Ghost_Fox29)
- Grey Matter (WhiteSkullCandy)
- datoneguy760 (Dat1guy)
- jahmot (thomahawk97)
- Rindon
- jeremy macias (maciasjeremy)
- TheAnticipationEevee (AbsolutelyEevee)
- felipon96 (tyranitarUABC96)
- Glaceon24 (Cucumber_Man)
- ruchipper
- Gibran Guido (Chanchitoboy)
- grantm1999 (grantm2001)
- uncleyuri
- AndrewSalami
- theprp30
- mayikone
- Niflheim4
- Scourge188
- olivasds
- Crizor (BandedCrizor)
- DaGod503 (marcus503)
- mikegoesgeek
- Ary (c0mp)
- lukas2aces
- normanc
- Notluckyday
- HypedWalrus
- qwertyd (Qwertyd1993)
- Jonnysniper (xjonnysniperx)
- Sirvaporeon629
- LBelleBird
- Kirby
- JEwart (PokeLoyal)
- EmptyApartment
- Shining Goodra (PolitoedNB)
- Omarphylax
- xcarloos (Lambo3000)
- stevexue (hikari12345123)
- pramallama
- rocknrolla (wakingeyes)
- TrainerRoninSenpai (RoninSenpai)
- tammika
- dlenh (dlenh425)
- Manveer777
- ghstal
- WastedSkyPirate
- Slurmee
- Vivek
- Krist973
Here is the timetable for the tournament. Make a note of this for your records.
Round 1: Monday 5/1/17 to Thursday 5/4/17
Turn in your deck list to PMJ by: 5/4/17
Round 2: Friday 5/5/17 to Monday 5/8/17
Round 3: Tuesday 5/9/17 to Friday 5/12/17
Round 4: Saturday 5/13/17 to Tuesday 5/16/17
Round 5: Wednesday 5/17/17 to Saturday 5/20/17
Round 6: Sunday 5/21/17 to Wednesday 5/24/17
Round 7: Thursday 5/25/17 to Sunday 5/28/17
Top 8: Monday 5/29/17 to Wednesday 5/31/17*
Top 4: Thursay 6/1/17 to Saturday 6/3/17*
Finals: Friday 6/2/17 to Sunday 6/4/17*
*Top cut rounds will end early if everyone has completed their match.
Rounds end at 11:59 PM EDT sharp. I know Guardians Rising is coming out on the fifth, but plan on not having any extensions.
- Winners are no longer solely responsible for posting match results. I suggest posting your result if you lose your match, in the event the winner does not do it right away.
- Scores are required to be posted in addition to who wins. If I have to delay the round to get a score out of one of you, it's going to be warning time.
- Your PMs need to be on. They're on by default; leave them on. If anyone complains to me that they can't contact you and I verify it, you are getting a warning and a match loss.
- The ability to forgive your opponent for showing up late has been added to the rules.
If you have any ideas on how to improve these tournaments, my inbox is always open for new ideas.
Have PTCGO copy your deck list to the clipboard, paste it in a new conversation to me, and hit send.
This is the
only way I will accept your deck list, so pay attention. Here's an image to help you out if you don't know what I'm talking about:
In the deck manager, pressing the button highlighted in the picture will copy your deck list to the clipboard. The program will even tell you it's done.
Now, in the conversation to me, right click and Paste, or hit CTRL + V to paste the contents. Make sure PTCGO approves of your list before you send it - if it's legal for them, that's a good sign.
If your client is not in English,
do not translate your card names. Let me worry about that. Just copy it to the clipboard, paste, and hit send. Easy.
Round 1 ends Thursday, May 4, at 11:59 PM EDT. You have until that time to send me your list and get it approved. Do not assume that just because you sent it means it was approved. Be sure to get confirmation before you relax.
Don't forget to get your three posts in! It's really not hard to do and it blows my mind that some people fail to do it, or they get them all in within 5 minutes on next month's signup day and think that's gonna fly.
Do not post match results in this thread. Post them in the main thread only.