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Standard Maybe Just Another Medicham Deck (Medicham / Hawlucha)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: (12)
  • 3 Meditite PC
  • 3 Medicham PC (#81)
  • 2 Hawlucha FF
  • 1 Landorus FF
  • 1 Landorus EX BC
  • 1 Lucario EX FF
  • 1 Dedenne FF
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: (35)
  • 3 Professor Birch Observations
  • 3 Colress
  • 3 Korrina
  • 2 N
  • 1 Lysandre
  • 1 Lysandre's Trump Card
  • 2 Fighting Stadium
  • 4 VS Seeker
  • 3 Roller Skates
  • 1 Enhanced Hammer
  • 3 Crushing Hammer
  • 1 Professor's Letter
  • 1 Startling Megaphone
  • 1 Super Scoop Up
  • 1 Switch
  • 2 Muscle Band
  • 1 Silver Bangle
  • 2 Head Ringer
  • 4 Strong Energy
  • 8 Fighting Energy
  • 1 DCE


Is this just another "Meh/ok" Medicham deck or do I have a competitive base here? I've decided to ask the fine folks at Pokebeach for some suggestions.

The basic concept is OHKO's. Medi with one strong/one band/fight stadium is double 90 on an ex or double 70 on a non-ex...so kiss anyone goodbye. Lando to get energy out of discard. Hawlucha because...HAWLUCHA! The EX's to provide a heavy whack as well.

Birch/Colress/N/Skates for hand turnover. Korrina to pull whichever tool/pokemon I have need of..usually Medicham as no evosodas or ultra balls. Full boat of VS Seekers to increase supporters pulls. Hammers/Ringers/scoops to frustrate and slow things for the opponent a bit. Bangles/Bands for added punch. Trump card when I run through cards too quickly or for the long match.

Cards that I've had in and out of this deck for playing:

-Pikachu/Raichu XY (just to get some good hits on the Yveltal decks)
-Phanpy/Donphan PS
-Robosubs (this with the Donphans)

I have been running this for a bit now and like the success level, but what am I missing, where am I weak, what needs tweaking? Thanks in advance.