@NintendoAlian @Reggie McGigas @Scorched Feathers @Vom @thegrovylekid @Rhesis @grantm1999 @GadgetJax @rainyman123 @SeventhPrize @Gengar master @Supa_Hot_Fire @RedHatTrick @Jolanna Ivey @GM DracLord @TheMaskedMeowth @Cheeriox @Celever @Ms Hugo @Luispipe8
Important Text-Based Rule Clarification!
You may or may have not noticed that the wording rules for text-based fakes have been slightly updated for this contest. We are now requiring all text-based fakers to post their text fakes in a specific format. This format roughly matches the format of the winners posted in the update. A full listing of the required format is listed in the contest rules post
here, specifically under the section for "Text-Based Judging" in the "Wording" category.
Some of you have already noticed this wording requirement and have posted your cards according to the specifications. Great!
If this applies to you, then good job reading, I'm sorry for unintentionally alerting you to this post, and you can go about your day.
If you are one of the people who did not notice this change (such as may be the case for recurring entrants), I apologize that it was not made more obvious and clear that such a rule change has been made.
If you have already submitted your text-based card
before the date and time of this post, you will be allowed to resubmit your card to conform to the required formatting. This resubmitted card must be posted in a new post, and it must have no other changes made to the card aside from changes strictly necessary to fit into the new formatting.
Cards that do not follow the formatting restrictions will receive a point penalty in the judging phase of the contest.
Coloured-text formatting (such as for energy costs) and Pokémon images/sprites in the place for card artwork are still allowed, so long as the formatting rules specified in the rules post are all followed.
If you have any questions, please ask!