HI Guys! Please help me with my list, I know this is stupid, but I just made this deck today, and my Battle Road is tomorrow. So, please help me.
x2 Luxray GL
x1 Luxray GL Lv.X
x2 Uxie LA
x1 Uxie Lv.X
x4 Sableye SF
x1 Unown {Q}
x1 Honchkrow SV
x1 Murkrow
x2 Garchomp C Lv.X
x2 Garchomp C
x1 Unown Dark
x1 Aipom G
x1 Crobat G
x1 Brozong G
x1 Chatot G
x3 Energy Gain
x3 Power Spray
x4 Poke-Turnl
x1 Premier Ball
x2 SP Radar
x1 Aaron's Collection
x4 Cyrus's Conspiracy
x3 Pokemon Collector
x2 Cyrus's Initiative
x2 Bebe's Search
x2 Judge
x4 Double Colorless Energy
x2 SP. Dark
x2 Lightening Energy
x2 Dark
Hopefully start with Sableye and a Collector in hand, get Murkrow, Luxray GL & Garchomp on your bench. Then use Impersonate to get a Cyrus's Initiative, and start to disrupt, then start snipping with Garchomp, and Honchkrow is mostly for my Donphan, VileGar & Gyarados mach up.
The Problem:
Speed. For me, this deck is kinda slow, I need it to be faster. Please help me.
Thanks in advance!!!
x2 Luxray GL
x1 Luxray GL Lv.X
x2 Uxie LA
x1 Uxie Lv.X
x4 Sableye SF
x1 Unown {Q}
x1 Honchkrow SV
x1 Murkrow
x2 Garchomp C Lv.X
x2 Garchomp C
x1 Unown Dark
x1 Aipom G
x1 Crobat G
x1 Brozong G
x1 Chatot G
x3 Energy Gain
x3 Power Spray
x4 Poke-Turnl
x1 Premier Ball
x2 SP Radar
x1 Aaron's Collection
x4 Cyrus's Conspiracy
x3 Pokemon Collector
x2 Cyrus's Initiative
x2 Bebe's Search
x2 Judge
x4 Double Colorless Energy
x2 SP. Dark
x2 Lightening Energy
x2 Dark
Hopefully start with Sableye and a Collector in hand, get Murkrow, Luxray GL & Garchomp on your bench. Then use Impersonate to get a Cyrus's Initiative, and start to disrupt, then start snipping with Garchomp, and Honchkrow is mostly for my Donphan, VileGar & Gyarados mach up.
The Problem:
Speed. For me, this deck is kinda slow, I need it to be faster. Please help me.
Thanks in advance!!!