Wi-Fi Trades MDS's Trading Thread (Looking for a competitive Houndour!)

Mudkip DS

Pokemon Trainer

(Japanese) Shiny Prankster Thundurus
Modest Mewtwo

- Slakoth/Vigoroth/Slaking (with Fire Punch, Careful) Decent IVs (especially SPEED, ATK, HP)
- Some shinies

If someone's interested, reply and I'll provide you with my FC.
RE: MDS's Trading Thread (Looking for a Zubat!)

Unfortunately, Giga Drain is a Gen 5 only move. So you'd have to wait until PokeBank is released. Even then, you may have a hard time getting a legit one with outstanding IVs.
RE: MDS's Trading Thread (Looking for a Zubat!)

I thought Pokébank was already released in Asia... D:
RE: MDS's Trading Thread (Looking for a Zubat!)

It is released in Japan, Korea and languages like that, but, I don`t think people with PokeBank are here on the site.
RE: MDS's Trading Thread (Looking for a Zubat!)

Yeah, pretty sure only Japan and Korea have it.
I don't think there's many members on this site from Asia either. :p
RE: MDS's Trading Thread (Looking for a Zubat!)

Oh OK. Thanks for the info.

I guess I'll just have to wait then. :)
RE: MDS's Trading Thread (Looking for a Zubat/Beldum!)

I can offer you a Metang Careful/Clear Body for Articuno if that fits your fancy?
RE: MDS's Trading Thread (Looking for a Zubat/Beldum!)

Could you specify Metang's IVs? If it's got decent IVs, than we have a deal!:)
RE: MDS's Trading Thread (Looking for a Zubat/Beldum!)

I mistook the Metang's nature, but managed to breed a Beldum with Careful nature and Clear body.
I'm not sure how to count IVs, but the judge says that it's potential lies in it's HP, and it has some fantastic stats. According to Bulbapedia it has an Iv range of IV range 26-30? I'm not sure what that measures out to.
RE: MDS's Trading Thread (Looking for a Zubat!)

Keeper of Night said:
Yeah, pretty sure only Japan and Korea have it.
I don't think there's many members on this site from Asia either. :p

Sorry to be of-topic,but it's to clarify. From what I read (and from what customer service has told many) Is that they closed Pokebank 2 days after it's release in japan because the server couldn't handle the amount of people on. From what I know, it's not currently open in anywhere because of major server fixes.

Back on topic: I'll be breeding Beldum either later today or tomorrow.
RE: MDS's Trading Thread (Looking for a Zubat/Beldum!)

You can use this IV calculator for a better approximation.
@Axell Starr
Are you interested in any Pokémon that I'm offering?
RE: MDS's Trading Thread (Looking for a Zubat/Beldum!)

I would like the Articuno you are offering. I just have one trade partner I am waiting on to get back to me, then I'll be breeding a few Beldum. I'll start breeding for a Careful 31/31/31/x/31/31 Beldum asap. =3
RE: MDS's Trading Thread (Looking for a Zubat/Beldum!)

Axell Starr: Woah! If you can breed that kind of Beldum, then we have a deal!

Add me: 3050-8314-4527

I might be offline for a few days now, though. But we'll do the trade before the end of the week. :)
RE: MDS's Trading Thread (Looking for a Zubat/Beldum!)

I'll add you in a moment. Needa let my system charge. Ended up having things to do late yesterday but your Beldum is close to done.

Edit: Your careful 31/31/31/x/31/31 Beldum is ready.
RE: MDS's Trading Thread (Looking for a Zubat/Beldum!)

Axell Starr: Sorry for keeping you waiting! Send me your FC!:)
RE: MDS's Trading Thread (Looking for a Zubat/Beldum!)

Hey Mudkip, I just want to remind you that the rules require you to have your friend code at the top of your original post, so please add that :)


RE: MDS's Trading Thread (Looking for a Zubat/Beldum!)

So even Giga Drain isn't released yet, would you still want a 5 IV Zubat with Super Fang?
RE: MDS's Trading Thread (Looking for a Zubat/Beldum!)

MTheW: Thanks for the friendly warning!

Jakeremix: Well depends on what you want from my side. I'd be ready to trade for your Zubat if you'd want anything except for my Articuno which I'm giving to Axell Starr for her Beldum.
RE: MDS's Trading Thread (Looking for a competitive Caterpie/Slakoth/Beldum/Zubat!)

My Friend Have PokeBank! I will ask for your Zubat/Golbat/Crobat. But, It will probally don`t be Modest.