Medicham can attack twice in one turn, combo that with Celebi EX, and the fighting attack boosters, you can OHKO an EX for potentially 1 energy. Landorus just finishes the job after Medicham is done, or sets up Medicham for his 2 attacks. This deck is quite fun, and overlooked, so yeah. Any feedback would be awesome.
4 Meditite
4 Medicham
1 Landorus EX
1 Lucario EX
1 Celebi Ex
2 Hawlucha
4 Professor Sycamore
3 N
3 Korrina
2 Lysandre
1 Colress
1 Lysandre's Trump Card
3 Fighting Stadium
3 Acro Bike
3 Ultra Ball
3 VS Seeker
2 Muscle Band
2 Silver Bangle
2 Enhanced Hammer
1 Repeat Ball
1 Escape Rope
1 Startling Megaphone
1 Computer Search
1 Professors Letter
1 Switch
4 Strong Energy
5 Fighting Energy
Medicham can attack twice in one turn, combo that with Celebi EX, and the fighting attack boosters, you can OHKO an EX for potentially 1 energy. Landorus just finishes the job after Medicham is done, or sets up Medicham for his 2 attacks. This deck is quite fun, and overlooked, so yeah. Any feedback would be awesome.