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Mega Aegitric (Aegislash EX / M Manetric EX / Bronzong)


5 Stars!
Pokemon: 13

  • 3 Manetric EX
    2 Mega Manetric EX
    4 Aegislash EX
    2-2 Bronzong
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 18

  • 2 Steel Shelter
    2 Manetric Spirit Link
    2 Head Ringer
    3 Max Potion
    3 Ultra Ball
    2 Switch
    2 Muscle Band
    4 Battle Compressor
    3 Professor Sycamore
    2 Pokemon Fan Club
    3 AZ

  • 4 DCE
    18 Steel Energy

Aegislash stays on the bench, collecting steel energy for its Slash Blast attack. Manetric attacks and, along with Bronzong, gives energy to Aegislash. Steel energy gets in the discard pile through the trainers.

This is only my second deck, so all constructive criticism welcomed.
RE: Mega Aegitric (Aegislash/Mega Manetric/Bronzong)

-3 AZ
-4 DCE; Doesn't really do much for this deck. Sure you can use it to pay for Aegislash's attack cost, but it doesn't boost its damage at all. You'd only be doing 60 with it.
-8 Metal Energy; Way too many Energy and not enough draw power.

+4 N
+4 Skyla; I haven't done much testing with the Megas with Spirit Links, but I feel like it's a good enough reason to play 4 Skyla. It could really help you fish them out of your deck quickly.
+1 Professor Sycamore
+1 Bicycle
+1 Professor's Letter; Helps you get the right kind of Energy in your hand.
+4 Lightning Energy; You aren't going to be able to attack with Manectric without Lightning Energy.
RE: Mega Aegitric (Aegislash/Mega Manetric/Bronzong)

While M. Manectric-EX and Bronzong both do a great job of recycling Energy, there is honestly no point in running both in the same deck. Since this deck uses Aegislash-EX Primarily, Add some more Bronzong, but get rid of M. Manectric-EX. But keep the basic Manectric, as it's a solid attacker on it's own.

Since Aegislash-EX gives up 2 prizes, you should only need 3.

18 Metal Energy is WAY too much, since you can recycle easily with Bronzong. Reduce it to about 8 or 10. This leaves you with a lot of options. First off, your list doesn't have any Lightning Energy. I suggest about 4 Lightning Energy total.

Another thing to keep in mind is that this deck has no viable way to counter things like Pyroar, Suicune, or Sigilyph easily. So, try either Beartic from Furious Fists or Yanmega from Phantom Forces, as they both have their advantages.

Beartic can OHKO Pyroars and Donphans (which are very popular in the current metagame), and does lots of damage to Fire Types that would normally hurt this deck really badly. Beartic can also OHKO Landorus and Landorus-EX, as long as you have a Muscle Band attached to Beartic.

Yanmega can do 100 straight damage, and can Knock Out things like Keldeo-EX and Seismitoad-EX in one hit. Any thing that is weak to Grass Type attacks will recieve a OHKO from Yanmega if you have a Muscle Band.

Speaking of which, use some better Trainer cards. Replace the 2 Spirit Links with some draw Supporters, and get rid of 1 battle compressor. AZ is useless in this kind of deck, since you already have max potion. Get rid of all of your copies of him, and put in some better draw supporters, like Shauna, Colress, and even Skyla.
RE: Mega Aegitric (Aegislash/Mega Manetric/Bronzong)

2 Manetric EX
3 Aegislash EX
3-3 Bronzong
2-2 Yanmega (Phantom Forces)

2 Steel Shelter
1 Manetric Spirit Link
2 Head Ringer
3 Max Potion
3 Ultra Ball
2 Switch
2 Muscle Band
3 Battle Compressor
2 Professor Sycamore
2 Pokemon Fan Club
2 Muscle Band
2 N
2 Skyla
2 Shauna
1 Professor's Letter
2 Colress

4 Electric Energy
8 Steel Energy

Thanks so much for all the feedback. Is this better?
RE: Mega Aegitric (Aegislash/Mega Manetric/Bronzong)

The draw is looking a little better. Could you please update your original post with your changes? Thanks!
You can now get rid of the mantric spirit link with no mega mantric anymore and add 1 N for more draw support.