My deck's strategy is set up to be like painless destruction. I want to get my M Charizard EXs on the field and get my Protection Cubes on them, as well as quickly built up energy to use the attacks with no recoil on my end.
The Shadow Circle can help keep my M Charizards and other pokemon in play, and I can use my Assist Liepard to use the same attacks if I can get the right coin flip.
I'm no pro, as I got my butt handed to me today playing against another person. I've been playing pokemon for a while, but I didn't have anyone to actually play competitively with, so I haven't had much experience with competitive decks. I wanted to see if there were any suggestions to better this deck build.
1 Inkay
1 Malimar (Distortion Beam)
2 Purrloin
2 Liepard (Plasma and Assist)
2 Darumaka
1 Darmanitan (Damage Counterpunch)
1 Pansear
1 Simisear (Searing Flame)
2 Litleo
1 Pyroar
2 Charizard EX (1 Stoke, 1 Mega Ascension)
2 M Charizard EX (Y)
1 Shadow Circle (Stadium)
1 Superior Energy Retrieval
1 Seeker
1 Team Rocket's Trickery
1 Cheren
2 Pokemon Center Lady
1 Elesa
1 Black Belt
4 Blacksmith
1 Pokemon Communication
4 Protection Cube
2 Dark Claw
1 Rescue Scarf
1 Rocky Helmet
1 Boost Energy
1 Blend Energy (Grass/Fire/Psychic/Dark)
11 Fire Energy
7 Dark Energy
My deck's strategy is set up to be like painless destruction. I want to get my M Charizard EXs on the field and get my Protection Cubes on them, as well as quickly built up energy to use the attacks with no recoil on my end.
The Shadow Circle can help keep my M Charizards and other pokemon in play, and I can use my Assist Liepard to use the same attacks if I can get the right coin flip.
I'm no pro, as I got my butt handed to me today playing against another person. I've been playing pokemon for a while, but I didn't have anyone to actually play competitively with, so I haven't had much experience with competitive decks. I wanted to see if there were any suggestions to better this deck build.