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Standard Mega Gardevoir/Wobbuffet, The Most Annoying Deck In The World.


Aspiring Trainer
This is a fun little secondary deck I've been fooling around with. I've coined it many names, "The Most Annoying Deck In The World" or "How to Annoy Your Opponent in 10 Days".

Pokemon - 20
3x Gardevoir EX SS
3x Mega Gardevoir EX SS
4x Wobbuffet GEN
2x Espurr
2x Meowstic GEN
2x Cottonee
2x Whimsicott AO
2x Klefki SS

Trainers - 28
4x Professor Sycamore
4x N
4x Bursting Balloon
3x Trainers Mail
3x Ultra Ball
2x Escape Rope
3x Gardevoir Spirit Link
2x Float Stone
2x Fairy Garden
1x Super Rod

Energy - 12
8x Fairy
4x Psychic

I know what you're thinking. I'm missing a lot of staple trainers and cards like Shaymin EX. This deck is something I came up with leftover cards that I use to test against my main decks. This deck list is a result of me not having extra cards like VS Seeker to put in here. BUT, that's what has made this deck really consistent and fun to use. I guess you could say this is definitely a budget build. Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated, maybe we can actually turn this deck into a legitimate contender?
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