Discussion Mega Scizor Ex deck?


Aspiring Trainer
I run a Golisopod Gx / Garb deck and was looking through old cards when i came across my scizor ex and mega scizor ex playsets. I playtested it a little bit as pretty much just a straight swap of the Golisopod lines and Mega Scizor lines (and adding in spirit links), and the deck operates at pretty much the same speed, isn't hurt by the garbs, has more HP, and OHKO's gardevoir because of weakness. And regular scizor ex even benefits from the Golisopod deck mechanic when in his first form.

Does anyone else think mega scizor ex / garb can be a viable deck option in the format?
I use a Mega Scizor Deck. And it was used a good amount last year. Theres videos about these M Scizor EX decks.

I enjoy it, with Hoopa EX, Garbodor, and a Coballion as a last resort. Slap a Choice Band on em and it seems to work well.