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Meganium, blissey, tangrowth(really a heal deck)


Aspiring Trainer
shaymin lv.X -UL 1-1
tangroth lv.x PA tangela COL 2-2-3
meganium prime 1-1-1
bilssey prime 1-1
Sunflora 1-1
Metapod 1-1
Azelf 1
unown q 2
total 21

Pokemon Collector 3
seeker 2
premier ball 2
rare candy 1
professor oak's visit 3
interviewer's question 2
switch 2
professor oak's theory 2
Bebe's Search 2
Palmer's Contribution 1
Expert Belt 2
Luxury Ball 1
dawn stadium 1
total 24

11 green en
2 warp energy
2 rescue energy
total 15

strategy: use tangela COL to set up, sunflora and azelf put on the bench for finding pm, shaymin lv.x search en at the beginning with the use of intervierer's question and + 40 hp for tagrowth later. after i set up one tangrowth lv.x , switch it to another tangrowth lv.x, and +80 hp per turn. if one tangrowth is knock out, rescue en will let it go back to my hand. meganium prime is for moving energy from one tangrowth to another, and it also used to move en to billsey prime for healling. one dawn stadium is for removing special condition, prevent the atack like crobat prime,etc.this deck is really is a heal deck! any suggestions? i use PA tangrowth so i don't need celebi for searching en
RE: tangrowth (HEAL DECK)

It looks like a nice deck... maybe not a match against LuxChomp, but it's a nice deck anyway.
You can swap 1 switch with 1 Unown Q. Or swap both switches with 2 more warp energies.

Also, you cannot run 2 Tangrowth and 3 Tangrowth Lv. X. It's the same pokémon, and you know that the limit is 4 ;)
Maybe you'll find useful Rescue Energies for getting back KO'd Tangrowths.
RE: tangrowth (HEAL DECK)

^I'm pretty sure the lines are the other way around: 3 tangela, 2 tangrowth, 2 lv.x etc.

I would remove dawn stadium, you should have enough healing with tangrowth. Interviewers is good in this deck it can get the energy quicker and makes a nice combo with shaymin's seed flare.

-2 Dawn Stadium
-1 Professor Oak's Visit

+2 Interviewer's Questions
+1 Bebe Search (Better consistency)

You could also consider engineer's adjustments over oak's visit as it can help with big growth.
RE: tangrowth (HEAL DECK)

Tangela SF works a lot better. It can get energy and stall. At the same time. So. Yeah. I recommend it.
RE: tangrowth (HEAL DECK)

LORDY JONES, Tangrowth CoL is coming famous because it can send energies of the opponent to the Lost Zone. Only if you're against a Gyarados deck, Tangrowth can screw up a lot of strategies.
RE: tangrowth (HEAL DECK)updated

hi everyone, thanks for the help of arcticase, ahiro,etc. Any more suggestions for my deck?i have just updated my deck list,thanks
RE: tangrowth (HEAL DECK)updated

I dunno if you've already tested this deck... if you didn't, I'll suggest you to do it with redshark. I told you that because I think that you need a starter like Sableye or Smeargle in this deck.
I always use 3 Seeker, it's not a bad idea.

Also, you weren't using a bench protecion? (I think it was Vespiqueen) if you didn't, use it. You need to protect your bench, or at least Metapod, that is an easy price for spray damage decks.

...just an opinion.