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MegaRose- Please help!


Aspiring Trainer

3-2 Yanmega Prime (TR)
3-3 Roserade (UL)
3-2-2 Serperior with Royal Heal (B&W)
2-2 Sunflora (HGSS)
1 Virizion (NV)
1 Cleffa (COL)


1 Super Rod
3 Junk Arm
2 Pokemon Catcher
3 Pokemon Communications
1 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 N
1 Professor Juniper
3 Judge
3 Pokemon Collector
1 Twins

9 Grass
4 Rainbow (Special)
3 Rescue (Special)

My strategy is to get out a Yanmega Prime as fast as possible and then get a Roserade set up on the bench to confuse the defending pokemon when needed. After that is covered I get out a Sunflora to search for Serperior to start healing. Should I add Vileplume (UD) for trainer lock? I've never experienced a deck that runs trainer lock And I wasn't sure if I should or not. Any constructive criticism is VERY welcome! Thanks!
Trainer Lock is something that most decks hates. Just remember (if you're gonna use Vileplume) that it also locks you, so make sure that you only have trainer cards, which are absolutely necessary.
Thankyou! And yea I gotcha... I was thinking about this...

Subtract: 13

-2-2 sunflora
-3-2-2 serperior
- 1 {G}
- 1 super rod

Add: 13
2-1-2 kingdra prime
2 rare candy
1 judge

And maybe a 2-1-2 vileplume. If I shouldn't, what else could I put in? Thanks for uour help!