BW/BW2 Memory Issues?


Do you think Black and White will have memory issues? it seems like they're cramming a heck of a lot into the games, and I don't think a DS cartridge can hold that much memory.
If the things they show in trailers and commercials aren't possible on the DS, they wouldn't put those things onto trailers and commercials. Herp derp.
The DS game card has 500 something MB and HGSS only used 200 something.
While the 3rd game which I suppose will be on 3DS will have 2GB of storage!
IronPika said:
If the things they show in trailers and commercials aren't possible on the DS, they wouldn't put those things onto trailers and commercials. Herp derp.

you can dp basixcally 99% everything in the commericails in the game im positive they wouldnt show it if you couldnt
Who knows, this could end up like the Wii having trouble reading Brawl disks. I hope not, though. My Wii had the same problem. D:,
The game won't have any memory issue. The DS is capable of holding that much.
Electimortar said:
If they follow suit the 3rd game will be on the DS.

that makes no sense and doesnt prove anything stay on topic

Ontopic: it think there will be no memory problems unless it has a bug/glitch or the games broke
ramsey1993 said:
that makes no sense and doesnt prove anything stay on topic

Ontopic: it think there will be no memory problems unless it has a bug/glitch or the games broke

No need to act like a minimod.

This game will be fine. They're will be plenty of space for the all the new features along with a good amount of unused memory.
Theres No Way, IT Will Have Memory Issues Being A Game That Works With 3ds, 3D Effects.
Victini said:
Theres No Way, IT Will Have Memory Issues Being A Game That Works With 3ds, 3D Effects.

It is not going to be in actual real 3D. They're not 3DS games, they're just DS games that can work on a 3DS system. Anyway, no, they won't have memory issues.

dmaster out.
I'm pretty sure if they had memory issues, they would redo the games to fix it, it wouldn't be that much of a problem.