Is a really good card if you time it right. I mean stopping powers for 1 turn is devastating in any situation (except the no pokepower deck matchup wich is rare in my division /masters/) but when timed to shut down your opponent from doing specific function it can win you the game. for instance if your opponent has 1-3 cards in hand you drop mesprit so they cant cosmin power/set up. the go draw play energy supporter and attack leaving them with 0-2 cards in hand drop your second mesprit and you kill there next turn. i wouldnt teck thi cards in every deck but a few i suggest is control kingdra and mach tech and regigigas and rampardos.
palkia lv.x is another card that will be staged in as many of my decks as i can function in. palkia sets up an ohko and can set up the use of a warp point/switch. if you can read the warp point in your opponents hand restructure into something to force it out because warp points win games all day.
if you agree or disagree i would like to know i just wondered how many people thought the same thing.or who thought it was bad.
palkia lv.x is another card that will be staged in as many of my decks as i can function in. palkia sets up an ohko and can set up the use of a warp point/switch. if you can read the warp point in your opponents hand restructure into something to force it out because warp points win games all day.
if you agree or disagree i would like to know i just wondered how many people thought the same thing.or who thought it was bad.