Meta Game Check


So, what would you guys say are the biggest baddest decks to make? What is really popular right now? I know gengar and dusknoir are raging :). I also noticed that claydol disapeared O_O, I'm guessing gengar's shadow room?

Luxary ball is being dropped into every deck with good reason, and A blower is popping up here and there.

Torterra is bigger I'm guessing, and maybe kingdra is dieing down because of dusknoir? Did I miss anything or is dusknoir/gengar dominating right now?
Dusknoir/Gengar is just hyped, but i believe the meta consists of a bunch of random but versatile decks.
Torterra, Kingdra, Marmortar, Empoleon, Skittles, AMU, and variant Lefeon decks are still in the meta, but we have some nasty SF decks forming.
Scizor, Gengar/Dusnoir, Infernape, Fighting Torterra (heavy grass bench), Charizard, Machamp, and god knows what else everyone else is planing on making.

There is also a Luxray/Leafeon deck that has been sweeping San Fransisco's bay area and variant Bomb factory decks that keep emerging. I think it's pretty much safe to say that it's a good time to play the game just for the fact that you can almost play any archtype and be able to pull of a win.
My moneys on the good old Torterra, because it has all the tools needed to win a game even against weakness. It loses to Magmortarkiss, but it still has a chance; the only reason why I'm saying that is that in my meta Magmortarkiss is just rampant.
Dusknoir is borderline trash being too slow and having to hurt yourself for minimal damage output. Gengar is being played widely for its luck based power and nothing else.

The two big guys are Raichu and Machamp
Raichu for being able to wreck your opponent with a double attack and an anti claydol snipe. Machamp for being a bigger better Kingdra with a deadly Lv.X if played correctly.

Scizor, Torterra, Blissey, Magmortar Variants are another big group Torterra Blissey and Magmortar can all tank and scizor is the fastest damage output deck around.