Meta Techs


I would like to discuss possible techs for decks in the meta.

heres some for luxchomp. these are meant to beat other luxchomp.

1 is Donphan prime to attack luxray. it takes up almost no space and hits hard. garchomp c can heal damage.

2 is mr mime airy wall to prevent damage by luxray and possibly garchomp if you need to buy time.

I had another but I can't remember it right now.

Mr.Mime won't really help since luxray has bright look and garchomp C can snipe. promocroak is another one that most people use.
Mr. Mime isn't going to help in the slightest, Luxray X can Bright Look pass it and Garchomp can snipe around it, Donphan is a pretty good counter though
Toxicroak G Promo & Ambipom G are the most common, and IMO best techs for the LuxChomp mirror.

Dragonite FB and Regigigas FB are also used, but to a lesser degree.
Relicanth and Donphan Prime are the best techs. Relicanth can usually one-shot Luxray (EGain x2 FTW!) and can continue it's horror on the things that your opponent relies on. Donphan Prime is also good beacuse of the resistance, weakness, and poke-body. Although, Relicanth would be better, it's more assumption and risk. Donphan Prime is very reliable although it can be played around through Bright Look.
I prefer relicanth, because it takes less space, and is alot more of a surprise. So one roseannes=luxray counter with relicanth.
Alexmon said:
Donphan Prime is very reliable although it can be played around through Bright Look.

and Relicanth can't??? from seeing the two in actual action...I will definitely say that Don P is the better will last a bit longer than the much lower hp Relicanth, and has much less of a worry from a revenge ko
Relicath wrecks LuxChomp. It has a really nice surprise factor too since on your turn you can just Roseanne's a Relicanth and {F} energy, drop both, retreat/Warp Point and 1-shot Luxray (and snipe anything else, SPs run tons of tools & stadiums).
Meaty said:
Relicath wrecks LuxChomp. It has a really nice surprise factor too since on your turn you can just Roseanne's a Relicanth and {F} energy, drop both, retreat/Warp Point and 1-shot Luxray (and snipe anything else, SPs run tons of tools & stadiums).

that's if it lasts long enough to be able to snipe anything else...I'm well aware of what SPs run, but as I said, the low HP makes it real easy to be revenge KO' after that 1 OHKO of Lux, your Relicanth will say ta-ta, as more than likely it gets OHKO'd afterwards

like I said, I've seen them both in action, and played against both...Don P causes way more problems for opponents, because it has enough HP to withstand return attacks, and if your opponent is running tools or stadiums enough to amount to anything, Relicanth becomes rather useless
but the fact that don p is st.1 and relicanth is a basic tilts the side towards relicanth,as it is easier to use.
TDA said:
but the fact that don p is st.1 and relicanth is a basic tilts the side towards relicanth,as it is easier to use.

but if all it does is KO a Lux and then get KO'd itself on your opponents' next turn...then the lack of effectiveness greatly outweighs the ease of use
TDA said:
come on you cant expect a tech to get all 6 prizes now can you?

No, but he isn't talking about a tech taking 6 prizes. Which would you rather play, a tech that takes a prize and gives a prize right back, or a tech that takes a prize and will most likely stay around and take another prize? He's talking about it no getting revenge ko'd, there's a huge difference there. Relicanth is unreliable in the sense that they HAVE to have 2 stadiums/tools out, which is rarely. The usually hold the egains until they're ready to use them, especially if they know they'll be leaving luxray out in the open.
Oh ....which tech would you prefer?a tech which can be setup in 1 turn and gets a prize for a prize or a tech that takes 2 turns to setup by which it can be dragon rushed....
TDA said:
Oh ....which tech would you prefer?a tech which can be setup in 1 turn and gets a prize for a prize or a tech that takes 2 turns to setup by which it can be dragon rushed...

depends on what deck the tech is in...many decks teching against LuxChomp will probably have a BTS in play...considering many LuxChomp don't run if there is a BTS in play, it takes just as much time to set up Don P than it does to setup a Reli...and then you have a 120 hp, 20dmg reducing wall, swinging for 60

unless you're another SP deck, or one of a small number of known decks I can think of...the deck will probably have BTS...and I've even seen Don P used as a tech in a LuxChomp

you are correct though, it can be Dragon Rush'd...however, you can anticipate D-Rush's, and I see very few good players that actually drop techs like that unless they are ready to keep it protected or have the means to get it completely out
crm103top08 said:
No, but he isn't talking about a tech taking 6 prizes. Which would you rather play, a tech that takes a prize and gives a prize right back, or a tech that takes a prize and will most likely stay around and take another prize? He's talking about it no getting revenge ko'd, there's a huge difference there. Relicanth is unreliable in the sense that they HAVE to have 2 stadiums/tools out, which is rarely. The usually hold the egains until they're ready to use them, especially if they know they'll be leaving luxray out in the open.
SPs run tons of E-Gains, Unown G, even Expert Belt or sometimes Unown Q. Some even run stadiums. I use Relcianth in my deck and LuxChomp ALWAYS has 2+ tools out when I face it.
qnetykz said:
and Relicanth can't??? from seeing the two in actual action...I will definitely say that Don P is the better will last a bit longer than the much lower hp Relicanth, and has much less of a worry from a revenge ko

Relicanth takes up less space, so you can afford to run two.
Alexmon said:
Relicanth takes up less space, so you can afford to run two.

and unless you're using it in a deck that normally runs {F} energy, that would mean to ensure that you are able to attack using Grand Swell, you would have to put in another {F} energy in the deck, or use your recovery TSS's on the fighting energy, instead of using it to get back other components of your deck that's essentially 4 spaces for 2 copies of a tech that is easily revenge KO'd