• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

*** Metagame Deck Center Rules. *** See First Reply for Writing Instructions.

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Vulpix Yolk

\ \ durant gang \ \
What is the Metagame Deck Center?

The Metagame Deck Center is intended to stimulate intelligent, professional, and competitive discussion about a large variety of decks in the current metagame. Threads in the Metagame Deck Center will consist of a sample article about the deck the thread discussion is centered around, a sample decklist, and a list of possible techs that can be effectively utilized. Any discussion about the decks that have threads assigned to them is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, discussion about counters to different decks in the metagame, match up discussion, cards that may be a threat in upcoming sets, possible upcoming additions to the deck, tech options, etc… Once a deck becomes irrelevant in the metagame, its thread will be locked, until then discussion can continue. It is ok to post in any thread, no matter when the last post was. Threads here do not die.

~~ Rules: ~~​

Rule #1: Keep discussion civil and on topic: Anything related to the deck you are discussing can be brought up in the general discussion threads, it is pretty difficult to get off topic. Comments such as “this deck is totally outclassed by ______” or “I don’t see why you would play this deck over _____” or any other forms of negative comments towards the deck in general, are considered off topic, and will not be permitted. There are going to be a lot of different opinions being expressed in these threads, so please debate in a civil manner. Flaming or expressing anger towards an individual or using foul language because of a difference in opinion is childish, makes your side of the argument seem less appealing, and will result in warnings being handed out. If you disagree with someone, present your opinion in a professional and clear manner. Explain your reasoning. Let's keep the fighting to a minimum.

Rule #2: Do not seek decklist advice: This forum is not for advice on your specific deck, that is what the Deck Garage is for. If you are looking to make your list faster, or more consistent, do not consult others in this forum. If you are looking for a tech to add into your deck to counter another deck in the meta, it is fine to ask here, because it can be helpful for others as well. You may only post a decklist if you feel it is a good list to use as an example of how the deck being discussed should look. It is fine to share a list that has been working for you, but please do not post a list because you think it needs work.

Rule #3: Please use proper Spelling and Grammar: Like all of the other Pokébeach Forum Rules, the rule regarding spelling and grammar applies here. We are looking for a certain level of professionalism in this forum, and posts with poor spelling and grammar do not look professional, and often times aren’t taken seriously. Please respect yourself, and the Metagame Deck Center by proofreading all of your posts once or twice before posting. Posts with poor spelling, and numerous grammatical errors will be removed.

Rule #4: Unreleased card discussion: If you are attempting to start discussion about a card yet to be released in English, please provide translations for said card in a spoiler. You can create a spoiler by using this code.

 [spoiler] * Sample Text * [/spoiler]

This should come out looking something like this.

Larvesta – Fire – HP80
Basic Pokemon

[C][C] Ram: 20 damage.
[R][R][C] Flare: 40 damage.

Weakness: Water (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 3


Posting translations for an unreleased card saves everyone time, and posting it in a spoiler conserves thread space. This rule is optional, you will not be warned if you break it, however; it is polite to follow it if you are talking about a card that isn't very well known.

Ending statement and warning details: Any user who violates any of these rules will receive a 20% warning level. Higher warning levels may be issued depending on the severity of the offense. Hope you enjoy the Metagame Deck Center, and if you have any suggestions for this section, or questions about these rules, contact me ([smod]Vulpix Yolk[/smod]) via PM or Profile Comment.
How to Write an Article for the Metagame Deck Center

Writing for the Metagame Deck Center

If you are interested in writing an article for the Metagame Deck Center, fully read this post. It will tell everything you need to know about writing for us. Thanks for considering helping the site out!

Each article should meet the following criteria:
  • The deck article should be written for an BLW-On format.
  • It needs the following sections:
    -Introduction (introduce the deck, give basic strategy).
    -Deck List and Card Explanation (provide a full 60-card deck list and explain the cards in there. You can skip staples like Professor Juniper and Pokémon Communication). You can link to this thread to explain common staples.
    -Techs (provide a list and description of cards that could be in the deck, but are not in the decklist you provide).
    -Matchups (give each of the deck's matchups on a scale of Very Unfavorable to Very Favorable. The decks you need to do matchups for are given below).
    -Conclusion (wrap up).
  • You must use proper spelling and grammar.
  • Don't write an article about a deck you haven't tested with. We only want professional articles with good lists.
  • Each card in the deck list should have a link to the card scan from PB's main page.
  • When you finish your article, submit it to the Article Submissions Forum.

If you write an article for us, your name will be at the top of an article that will be read by a lot of people, you help out the site, and you help out new players. If you're interested in writing one of these articles, please let [smod]Vulpix Yolk[/smod], or another TCG mod know which one you're doing so we don't end up with multiple people doing the same article. By doing this, you commit yourself to finishing the article in a reasonable time frame.

Click here for an example of what a good article looks like.

Remember to write for an BLW-On format! Also remember that your deck article will not go up on the front page of the forum or PB. Thanks again for writing for us!
Vulpix Yolk said:
If someone posts their list in any thread in this forum, it is because they feel it is "perfect" the way it is. They are not seeking decklist advice, so do not give them decklist advice.

Alright guys, I have decided to get rid of this part of the rules. I have noticed a lot of decklist discussion taking place lately, and it has been valid, helpful to others, and has been presented in a civil manner. Please though, if you are going to give advice, try to do so in a respectful manner. Please understand that the advice is simply your opinion. Do not make posts saying things like "this is how the deck should be played", posts along the lines of "I have had success with playing 4 of this card", or "I would try this..." sound much better, and make you seem more educated and respectful.
I have seen a lot of simple "this card or this card?" questions recently. Those questions belong in the Metagame Deck Center, not the Competitive Collective or anywhere else.
With the HGSS-On format coming to an end, discussion in the Metagame Deck Center has died down. It is time for the articles to be updated. We are currently looking for Black and White - On article submissions for the Metagame Deck Center. A list of decks we want articles for can be found below. Article Criteria can be found here.

Articles Needed

  • Garchomp Altaria
  • Terrakion EX Variants - (Reserved by [member]Sinnoh_Champion_Ernesto [/member])
  • Hydreigon Variants - (Reserved by [member]alexmf2[/member])
  • Ho-Oh EX Variants (Reserved by [member]iisnumber12[/member]
  • Empoleon Variants - (Reserved by [member]RogueChomp[/member])
  • Accelgor Variants - (Reserved by [member]Celebi23[/member])

Please PM [smod]Vulpix Yolk[/smod] if you are interested in writing an article for the Metagame Deck Center, that way it can be reserved for you. If you want to write an article about a deck that isn’t listed above, please [smod]Vulpix Yolk[/smod] what deck you would like to write your article about. Articles about decks that aren’t considered part of the current Black and White - On metagame will not be published here.

Thanks for writing!
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