Ruling Metagame


Aspiring Trainer
Hello, I have been playing Pokemon TCG for not very long at all and I am attempting to get into the metagame. I am quite unsure on how to make a deck, and not sure on what to make. I have looked at a few meta game decks for a while and I noticed that most of these decks depend on supporters/trainers.
I was also wondering on what metagame decks you guys have started with?
Last year I started played BlazeRay. It did really well for me. It was able to adapt ot most situations. I've also used PorygonZ and Flygon. This year if money isn't a big concern, I'd recommend an SP Deck. Luxchomp or Blazeray could still work well. Charizard is a less expensive deck, but should work really well even without Claydol because it has Ninetails to get a steady source of draw power.

For making a deck you want to try and find a couple Pokemon that work together then find ways support them. If you are using Stage 2 Pokemon it is highly recommended to use Rare Candy. Trainers and supporters are just as important to the deck as the Pokemon you choose. You can have the best Pokemon lines, but without a solid Trainer and Supporter line the deck will fall apart. SP decks have a core trainer set just for them which is part of the reason they do so well. Call Energy is something I'd recommend in nearly any deck.~Mark
Just remember, in the current format for tournament legal decks, the oldest set you can use is DP: Majestic Dawn. Cards from older sets can only be used if it has been reprinted in a newer set. Basic energy is legal from any set.