Pokemon: 15
4x Metagross GX (GR)
2x Metang (GR)
4x Beldum (GR)
1x Sogoleo GX (SM)
1x cosmog (SM)
1x alolan vulpix (GR)
2x tapu lele GX (GR)
Trainers: 35
4x Profesor sycamore
3x N
1x Sophocles (Get energy in discard)
3x Guzma
2x Bridgette
4x Ultra ball
4x rare candy
4x Max potion
3x field blower
2x rescue stretcher
3x Choice band
1x float stone
1x parallel city
energy: 10
10x steel energy
Deck overview and opinions:
In my opinion Metagross is will be a great deck in the future because it can crush gardy, golisopod (with sogoleo), zoroark, lycanroc, and can destroy buzzwole if they don't play Espeon or Garb, witch is tough to beat but we play 3 field blowers.
I tried to make this list consistent and hard to beat with 4 max potions and 5 potential 250 HP Pokemon that easily one or two shot all good Pokemon. Glaceon GX will be tough to beat but since they 3 shot us and we heal and one shot them, in theory we could get past that ability lock anyway
Over all I think that this is a very good list for Metagross gx and since volc won’t be as good when Glaceon GX comes out it will have a great place in the format.
Tell me what you guys think of the list any suggestions are welcome.
4x Metagross GX (GR)
2x Metang (GR)
4x Beldum (GR)
1x Sogoleo GX (SM)
1x cosmog (SM)
1x alolan vulpix (GR)
2x tapu lele GX (GR)
Trainers: 35
4x Profesor sycamore
3x N
1x Sophocles (Get energy in discard)
3x Guzma
2x Bridgette
4x Ultra ball
4x rare candy
4x Max potion
3x field blower
2x rescue stretcher
3x Choice band
1x float stone
1x parallel city
energy: 10
10x steel energy
Deck overview and opinions:
In my opinion Metagross is will be a great deck in the future because it can crush gardy, golisopod (with sogoleo), zoroark, lycanroc, and can destroy buzzwole if they don't play Espeon or Garb, witch is tough to beat but we play 3 field blowers.
I tried to make this list consistent and hard to beat with 4 max potions and 5 potential 250 HP Pokemon that easily one or two shot all good Pokemon. Glaceon GX will be tough to beat but since they 3 shot us and we heal and one shot them, in theory we could get past that ability lock anyway
Over all I think that this is a very good list for Metagross gx and since volc won’t be as good when Glaceon GX comes out it will have a great place in the format.
Tell me what you guys think of the list any suggestions are welcome.