Metal Energy


Aspiring Trainer
How comes I can only find special metal energy ccards on the internet and no basic energy cards? Are basic metal energy cards non-existent? Thanks!
Basic Metal Energy do exist. They have come out in the Diamond/Pearl set:, the HeartGold/SoulSilver set and as a holo Energy from Call of Legends. Basic Energy are honestly pretty scarce if you want to have enough for a deck, so some Theme Decks have carried them since their release from D/P. This isn't really a Rulings question about a specific card, however. So it needs to be moved.


dmaster out.
I've been organizing all my cards from the last 5 or so years. I have hardly any metal energy at all, and not even by comparisons to other energies I have. I have like, 15 Is it just an uncommon energy?
They only recently started making basic metals. Before only Special Metals existed, but I think they came out in DP.
Basic Dark and Basic Metal energies are the hardest basic energies to find, as their first printing was in the DP set. The best way to get them is via a theme deck.
Fortunately, the Umbreon starter deck from HS Undaunted has both kinds (I think it has 12 {D} and 8 {M} or something).
Thanks. I'm not able to purchase cards that often and I just recently bought an ancient mew, but it's my birthday coming up so I might get it for that.
There just hasn't been alot of pre-made decks with alot of metal. Infact the only recent one I know of is the umbreon themed deck.