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Metal Hammer (Scizor/Steelix/techs) HGSS-on


Avenging Dragons
Hey there, I post a rogue list for upcoming BR's.
Here's the list:

Pokémon (23):
4-4 Scizor Prime
3-3 Steelix Prime
2-1-2 Klinklang (all BW)
2-2 Lanturn Prime

T/S/S (20):
1 Copy Cat
3 Pokémon Collector
2 Engineer's Adjustments
4 Pokémon Communication
2 Rare Candy
2 Switch
2 Plus Power

NRG's (17):
4 Special Metal
7 Metal
2 Lightning


Start with Scyther or Onix, evevolve an attack. Steelix is slow but bulky, Scizor is fast with a great Body (since DCE and Rainbow NRG is very popular). Lanturn is for the TyRam and Yanmega-variants match ups. And there are the
Magnezone causes me big problems with the resistance to metal. Also my draw support is bad anyway ...
(maybe too many Pokémon and NRG's also ...)

Is there any other Pokémon that fix the problem with Magnezone, Yanmega AND TyRam?
What are possible changes for the T/S/S lines and the NRG's?
Maybe Shaymin UL for the NRG switch?

Thanks for your help!
RE: Metal Hammer (HGSS-on)

I think its good ur using lanturn but just not for this deck so -2-2 lanturn and -2 lightning -1-1 scizor prime-1 copy cat -1 dce -1 engeniers adjustmants_= -12--now try this +4 skarmory (best starter for any metal deck) +2 juniper and +2 energys retrieval and +4 junkarm--try that out and see if it helps--I think these changes will help your magnazone matchup a lil but because you can be quick with scizor with the skarmory--You need to add at LEAST to catcher in your deck (this will also help you) but idk what to take out--Peace!
RE: Metal Hammer (HGSS-on)

If you removed the Klinklang line and the rare candies you have that would allow 7 more slots for whatever you'd like. Not sure I see the point on Steelix and Scizor besides the obvious metal synergy. Steelix is bulky and doesn't get special conditions but how prevalent are they in the format anyway besides Mew decks. Not that you need to but if you did take out the Steelix that would allow for an additional 6 more slots. Finally I think your energy count is very high. You mention having problems with draw power and Magnezone which brings me to my next point. A possible idea would be Ninetales from HGSS/CoL. This is a great card for helping with draw and can be your Magnezone counter, by throwing a plus power down its a OHKO. Just a few ideas, I really like this deck idea and would love to mess with it given my ideas. I'm not going to give any additions or subtractions until you or someone else comments on here because I might be missing the point of the deck.
RE: Metal Hammer (HGSS-on)

@joe: Thanks for the idea with skarmory and the discard/junk arm tech, but I've tested Skarmory already and sadly it only slows down the deck. =/
But I'll try out the other advice asap!

@Brendan: Steelix and Scizor, the fast and the bulky, is imo a good counter for:
1. Goth-Lock, cause the lock doesn't slow these two stage 1's so bad down at all and you have resistance and scizor is able to OHKO Gothitelle with 5 metal NRG's thanks to the swap ability of Klinklang.
2. Upcoming Beartic variants, because of the type advantage.
3. Epic Rogue variants (4 Rainbow, 4 DCE), because of Scizor's Body you have nearly auto win.

Ninetales HGSS isn't a good idea. Magnezone has fighting weakness, Ninetales is fire and it only works with fire NRG's, not a good draw support for metal based deck. I think you confuse something with the weaknesses. But also thanks for the advice! =)

Maybe some other suggestions?
RE: Metal Hammer (HGSS-on)

Wow I can't believe I did that. I was thinking that Magnezone Prime was metal based not lightning, duh. Anyway let me get back to you with a counter. I figured with the extra deck space you could run fire energy with the Ninetales but since it doesn't counter anything that is a bad idea. I still feel however you don't need the Steelix but then again I'm looking at the deck a different way.

Edit: Donphan Prime seems to be the most obvious answer as a counter.
RE: Metal Hammer (HGSS-on)

@Brendan: No problem at all. =)
Yes maybe Donphan can fix it, fortunately I got 2-2 Donphan Prime today. =)
I report it asap! Thanks!
RE: Metal Hammer (HGSS-on)

Very surprised you're not running Max Potion in this deck as with Klinklang you can use it effectively. In my opnion, you don't need Steelix. The Body isn't increbile in this format and 5 {M} energy to do 100 damage is horrible (though Energy Stream helps). Though it's your choice - either focus on Scizor or Steelix as you need to remove something to add more draw supporters and useful trainers. A tech that can help against Magnezone Prime and Tyram? Well there's always Zoroark BW. Your deck runs 4 DCE so that and 1 Plus Power can 1HKO a Reshiram though that can at most garantee you 1 prize as it wouldn't be hard for Tyram decks to get another Reshiram up unless you prevent Typhlosion from hitting the field (Pokemon Catcher) Zoroark can also 1HKO Magnezone Prime at the cost of you lost-zoning 3 energy to do so, but if you include.

3-3 Scizor Prime
3-2-2 Klinklang BW
1-1 Zoroark BW (Or 2-1 Zoroark if your up against Reshiram variants to prevent them from dragging up Zorua before you get Zoroark)
1 Cleffa HGSS

3/4 Sage's Training
3 Cheren
3 Junk Arm
1/2 Max Potion

I Suggested Scizor over Steelix mainly because a T2 Scizor Prime doing 70 damage is always nice. Early game pressure is good. Cleffa is just incase you have a bad early game plus it can stall (if you flip tails enough times). 3 Klink because Stage 1 rush decks like to run a heavy line of Catcher and Junk Arm. You need to be able to set up Klinklang. Scizor Prime may not have as much HP as Steelix prime but it's alot easier to set-up which is useful against quick decks which can recover just as fast as they can set-up up.

Obviously this isn't the full decklist, it's just a sample but the pokemon line is more-or-less OK, you just need to find the best combination of Trainers/Supporters and a good energy line-up which shouldn't be too hard as without Steelix you won't be asover-dependant for DCE so you can scale the energy line down (13-14 should be ok)
@X_empoleon_X: Ok, I've tested Zoroark and the other changes and it doesn't fix the Tyram problem ... But the Max Potion is a really good idea. Any other suggestions? But all in all, thanks! =)

@Brendan: Well Donphan Prime was good in theory, but in practice it doesn't fit in the list ... =/ Any other advices? But also thanks!

Maybe Samurott #32 could handle with Tyram?
Well if you can't beat Tyram through just attacking then your only alternative is to be faster than it (or match it's speed) and disrupting it's support. Though if you focus on trying to change the list to deal eith Tyram you'll only just hurt the decks consistency.

Do you know how popular Tyram or Reshiram variants in general are in your area? If it's quite heavy populated with Tyram you ight be better off changing your deck as the Weakness factor will just beat you everytime. Best thing is just to add at least 2 Pokemon Catcher and a couple of Junk Arm to try to set up a t2 Scizor Prime and Catcher up Cyndaquil/Quilava and 1HKO them before they become Typhlosion Prime.

Samurott #31? That would require you adding in {W} energy. What you want to use is Samurott #32 as with Klinklang you can just move {M} energy onto Samurott and just use Hydro Pump for 140 with weakness (Samurott's attack cost is {C}{C}{C}).