i made this deck a few months ago and it was fun to use but it didnt hold up well against the meta game so i took apart but if i ever want to remake it, im pretty sure i can put some better stuff could be put in. the stars are snorlax lvx and metagross UL
20 pokemon
2 munchlax
2 snorlax RR
1 snorlax CL
2-2-2 metagoss UL
1-1 bronzong SF
1 unown TR (cure)
1 latios promo
1 latias promo
1 seviper PL
1 girafirig HGSS
22 t/s/s
4 bebes
2 sages training
1 underground expidition
1 fisherman
1 luxury ball
3 double full heal
1 life herb
2 junk arm
1 poke radar
1 pokemon circulation
1 momo milk
1 burned tower
18 {P}
so the strategy is to either start out with a beldum, get it to metang and discard some nrgs so i can attach them to snorlax. the bring up snorlax, lvx it and do 80 and remove damage from him with exercise. i kno there is alot of useless stuff in this deck but it was a fun deck
20 pokemon
2 munchlax
2 snorlax RR
1 snorlax CL
2-2-2 metagoss UL
1-1 bronzong SF
1 unown TR (cure)
1 latios promo
1 latias promo
1 seviper PL
1 girafirig HGSS
22 t/s/s
4 bebes
2 sages training
1 underground expidition
1 fisherman
1 luxury ball
3 double full heal
1 life herb
2 junk arm
1 poke radar
1 pokemon circulation
1 momo milk
1 burned tower
18 {P}
so the strategy is to either start out with a beldum, get it to metang and discard some nrgs so i can attach them to snorlax. the bring up snorlax, lvx it and do 80 and remove damage from him with exercise. i kno there is alot of useless stuff in this deck but it was a fun deck