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Sceptile ex d, Gardevoir ex d, whatever...
If there is gardy in your metagame use sceptile, if there is shiftry, steelix, use gardy.
Groudon and lugia can OHKO tyranitar ex UF and steelix.
Latilock protects you from ex's and shuts off bodies.
There are more techs...

You can tech anything that you feel its going to help against your metagame.
Your main deck is probably built around either one or two main pokemon. In Metanite's case it has two, Dragonite d & Metagross d. Decks usually have starter pokemon too, in this case Holon's Castaform. Then there are techs. These are pokemon that you only have one or two copies of in a deck that are there to make specific matchups easier. For example that Sceptile ex d tech mentioned above would be a 1-0-1 line having just one copy of Treeko d and Sceptile ex d (it uses rare candy to skip stage 1). It's there to give the decks running big ex pokemon trouble. It stops powers and increases how much energy they have to spend to attack. Another example would be the infamous "lati-lock" that usually has one each of Latios ex d & Latias d ... this one shuts off non-ex poke-bodies when both are out and Latios can double as a safeguard pokemon. Shutting of harmful pokebodies, like Slaking's or Houndoom, can make the difference between winning and loosing a match.
4me4them said:
WARNING- probably seriously noobish question.-WARNING

whats a tech?
A card that is built to combat only 1 or 2 cards that serverly hurt you. Like Steelix EX murders the entire deck, so Lugia EX is used to destroy it.

Arcanine out.
vanderbilt_grad said:
...For example that Sceptile ex d tech mentioned above would be a 1-0-1 line having just one copy of Treeko d and Sceptile ex d (it uses rare candy to skip stage 1)...
^This is basically what to play. It's evil...

Basically Metagross, Dragonite, and Holon's Casty.
erm i dunno any good metanites but the last time my bro made metanite I trashed him for good:pto my bro.
Asking for deck lists is a no-no 'round these parts.:)
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