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Mew Ex Attrition (Final List)


Aspiring Trainer
3x Mew Ex DRE
2x Emolga DRE
2x Wurmple DRE
1x Cascoon DRE
2x Dustox DRE
1x Sableye DKE
2x Vulpix DRE
2x Ninetales DRE

4x N
4x Cheren
3x Bianca

3x Ultra Ball
3x Level Ball
2x Pokemon Communication
4x Pokemon Catcher
3x Rare Candy
3x Eviolite
1x Super Rod
2x Max Potion
2x Random Receiver

3x Blend Energy {G}{R}{D}{P}
2x Prism Energy
3x Psychic Energy
3x Fire Energy

A sweet Mew Ex deck im brewing hoping it will be good. Its really flippy which is generally unfavorable but when it gets online its strong.

My buddy and I are going to proxy all of the meta decks we can find and run it through the gauntlet. I will post those results soon.

Also, if you like this deck and would like to see another cool combo deck im working on their is a list I posted called Zoroark. Deck. It uses Zorua (ascension) and Zoroark (DKE) to get early prizes then calls on Krookodile to come in and deal 160-up for the last few prizes

Its an fairly straight forward strategy. Get ninetales and dustox online on the bench then power up mew ex and start the misery. Or, if that fails kill them with their own attacks.

sableye is their as a pseudo junk arm option for getting back catchers etc.
emolga is the engine that runs this beast. Get all of my tech pokemon the bench the set up the dustox and ninetales.
RE: Mew Ex Attrition

What s the strategy? Bring out these Pokemons and put mew ex in front just to give your opponent 2 prizes? Obviously, mew is awesome, both card and abilty, but the 120hp put it in KO range by almost every single meta deck.
If u want to use ninetales, focus on him. If u want to use Cascoon, use him. Don't go left and right and add mew for compensation lol.
RE: Mew Ex Attrition

The idea is to line up milotic on t2 with mew active. Use milotic's attack to grab wurmple+rare candy+ dustox or vulpix+Ninetales+eviolite depending on whats in my hand and what is prized ofcourse. Im probably going to run some rescue scarfs to keep my opponent off of prizes but thats tbd. The line then is to use dustox's hazardous scales followed up by hexed flame to deal 120-170 damage since hexed flame gives 20+ 50 more for each affliction on the defending pokemon. The sleep factor helps to keep mew alive and putting 10-60 damage on the defending pokemon in each turn cycle helps to get the ohko from hexed flame. However, I do realize that this type of deck can go horribly wrong and is subject to coin flips but mew ex is very strong imo and can copy any attack on the board so if I cant get set up then ill kill them using their own attacks.

Catcher is nice too since I can force pokemon with 0 energy into active to make it harder for my mew to get ko'd
RE: Mew Ex Attrition

^It s clearer now, thank you.
If i m correct, you want to play a Dustox Ninetales deck.
U know that it s possible to start to attack by T2 or T3 without Milotic. Get a lot of support like Level Ball, Ultra Ball.
I still don't get why you want to use Mew to attack instead of Ninetales itself. 2prizes<1prizes
I mean, u can include 1 or 2, but don t focus on that.

Tell us what you really want to do, and then, we can help you. Decide on 1 strategy, if u can.
RE: Mew Ex Attrition

I like mew because its a basic 120 hp and can be reinforced with eviolite. Ninetales has a very low hp and gets ko'd by almost everything and dustox doesnt kill very well by himself. Not to mention with mew as the attacker I dont have to worry about switching the active over and over and makes energy distribution a lot easier just because all I have to do is put all the energy on mew. I know the 2 prize risk is tougher to deal with but at the same time I believe it makes the deck work a lot smoother. Plus I pulled a full art mew ex yesterday lol =) I really appreciate the feedback and I will definitely try out some ultras to see how it works.

This is the new version, I completely forgot about emolga (DRE) and I cut the 2-2 milotic for 3 Emolga and added more ultras and levels. Also 2 scarfs. I am going to do some testing with it later to see if it does anything better for the deck.
RE: Mew Ex Attrition (REVISED)

^I believe 2 rescue scarf is not needed, since you have 3 Mews already (6 prizes). I believe you can add a Super Rod instead. Furthermore, 1-1 ninetales is too risky in my opinion. It d be better if you had 2-2 ninetales. This is all I can think of right now, I will come back later.
-1 energy retrieval (you have enough for 2 games, imo)
-2 rescue scarf
+1 super rod
+1-1 ninetales

I am not sure about 3 Emolgas, I havent played a starter pokemon since Spiritomb/Sableye Era, so i am not too sure about how many. If you can cut out another card, it d leave its space for an extra Eviolite.
RE: Mew Ex Attrition (REVISED)

ok thanks for the suggestions I know have the final list constructed tell me what you think =) I also still need to get a lot of the cards for the deck and there aren't shops that sell pokemon singles where I live =(
RE: Mew Ex Attrition (REVISED)

Oh, I just noticed something awesome. Take out an Emolga. 2 is enough. You are playing Mew, which can use Emolga s attack as well. Therefore, you are sure to start with one with 5 Emolga in the deck.

Oh, something more awesome, Blend Fire and Psychic can be kept, but remove the others. ADD PRISM ENERGY. I believe you added those because you want to copy some attacks from your opponent's. Prism is the best for that. with 5 Fire/Psy in the deck, you only need 1 on each Mew to own.
-1 Emolga
- 1 Cilan (i don t even know why it s here)
-2 Blend Metal Electric w/e

+2 Random Receiver (more consistency)
+2 Prism

Now it s good to play!
RE: Mew Ex Attrition

It2Zoroark said:
I like mew because its a basic 120 hp and can be reinforced with eviolite. Ninetales has a very low hp and gets ko'd by almost everything and dustox doesnt kill very well by himself. Not to mention with mew as the attacker I don't have to worry about switching the active over and over and makes energy distribution a lot easier just because all I have to do is put all the energy on mew. I know the 2 prize risk is tougher to deal with but at the same time I believe it makes the deck work a lot smoother. Plus I pulled a full art mew ex yesterday lol =) I really appreciate the feedback and I will definitely try out some ultras to see how it works.

This is the new version, I completely forgot about emolga (DRE) and I cut the 2-2 milotic for 3 Emolga and added more ultras and levels. Also 2 scarfs. I am going to do some testing with it later to see if it does anything better for the deck.

I can see your strategy, but you probably have an auto-loss VS Eelektrik if they run 1 Raikou and 2 Mewtwos. They can just snipe your Ninetales over and over. Also, Mewtwo absolutely destroys this deck since Mew EX is not able to return the KO in this deck unless Mewtwo has 2 Special Conditions. (or have I missed something?)
RE: Mew Ex Attrition

Roronoa Zoro said:
I can see your strategy, but you probably have an auto-loss VS Eelektrik if they run 1 Raikou and 2 Mewtwos. They can just snipe your Ninetales over and over. Also, Mewtwo absolutely destroys this deck since Mew EX is not able to return the KO in this deck unless Mewtwo has 2 Special Conditions. (or have I missed something?)

Mew EX can utilize "Versatile" to use Mewtwo EX's X-ball against it.Due to weakness Mewtwo would be OHKO'ed
RE: Mew Ex Attrition (REVISED)

@OnePieceZoro Ok, honestly, I believe he s aware that this deck gets owned by any meta decks (that s maybe why they are meta decks? they own everything, it s in the definition). He s still posting it here so he can have a playable deck, not make it a meta/antimeta deck. Yes, Pokemon Company made overpowered pokemons to ruin everyone s fun, but some people are still playing with cards they like. Plz, unless if you want to ruin all the fun, DONT tell him something like:
+3 Mewtwo EX for mewtwo wars
+3 Terrakion to counter meta
+2 Darkrai for free retreat
RE: Mew Ex Attrition

Roronoa Zoro said:
I can see your strategy, but you probably have an auto-loss VS Eelektrik if they run 1 Raikou and 2 Mewtwos. They can just snipe your Ninetales over and over. Also, Mewtwo absolutely destroys this deck since Mew EX is not able to return the KO in this deck unless Mewtwo has 2 Special Conditions. (or have I missed something?)

Actually mew ex can return ko mewtwo because mew ex can use x ball as well. so its a lower hp mewtwo at that point. Thats the beauty of mew ex it can do ANYTHING on board that isnt an ability.

Zeto said:
Oh, I just noticed something awesome. Take out an Emolga. 2 is enough. You are playing Mew, which can use Emolga s attack as well. Therefore, you are sure to start with one with 5 Emolga in the deck.

Oh, something more awesome, Blend Fire and Psychic can be kept, but remove the others. ADD PRISM ENERGY. I believe you added those because you want to copy some attacks from your opponent's. Prism is the best for that. with 5 Fire/Psy in the deck, you only need 1 on each Mew to own.
-1 Emolga
- 1 Cilan (i don t even know why it s here)
-2 Blend Metal Electric w/e

+2 Random Receiver (more consistency)
+2 Prism

Now it s good to play!

Yeah I tested it and 3 emolga was too many i always had one in hand when i needed another n or cheren.
so, I will give these finals changes a try and see what happens =)
You usually would have 1 energy on Mew, right? So if they kill you with 2 Energys (that's all they need) you will need 2 Energys on your Mew (assuming you already have 1) and you do not play DCE. Even if you Eviolite the Mew and they kill you with 3 Energys, and assuming you can return the KO, next turn you will not be able to because you will not have any Energy on your benched Mew to return the KO.

And Zeto, I didn't say to him to stop playing it, did I? But from what I understood in this thread, he wants this deck to beat the metagame ones. Atleast that was my interpretation. If this is just a league deck, i won't say anything else, since it's probably fun to play it. I'm just pointing out some problems, because he will need to fix them if he really does want this to be a serious deck.
Roronoa Zoro said:
You usually would have 1 energy on Mew, right? So if they kill you with 2 Energys (that's all they need) you will need 2 Energys on your Mew (assuming you already have 1) and you do not play DCE. Even if you Eviolite the Mew and they kill you with 3 Energys, and assuming you can return the KO, next turn you will not be able to because you will not have any Energy on your benched Mew to return the KO.

Actually I keep 2-3 energys on mew at all times in order to use attacks on my opponents side too in case mine arent good enough for the situation. Dont forget Mew Ex can use ANY ATTACK on the board assuming it has the necessary energy.
How does your opponent even give you time to do so? By T2 you should be being attacked already, if not OHKO'd by Mewtwo... Have you tested the deck?
Roronoa Zoro said:
How does your opponent even give you time to do so? By T2 you should be being attacked already, if not OHKO'd by Mewtwo... Have you tested the deck?

yes i have been testing it, and it runs pretty smoothly. I usually have t2 mew with 2 energy and ninetales/dustox benched
Yeah, but then your Mew should be getting OHKO'd, I guess. And you wouldn't be able to respond. What deck are you testing against?
It2Zoroark said:
yes i have been testing it, and it runs pretty smoothly. I usually have t2 mew with 2 energy and ninetales/dustox benched

That seems like a perfect setup for you: a Stage 2, Stage 1, and active Mew with 2 energy all on turn two?? I mean how often are you going to get that without getting donked? This isn't HS-on anymore.