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Mew EX / Eevees


Sylveon <3
I apologize for my craziness but I'm getting further into this and am trying to put together the best deck to play from Sylveon Collection until X&Y releases. I have a condition though and that is all pokemon in my deck must be cute. For example even though Mr. Mime would work well to wall bench attackers, I am reluctant to add it to my deck since I thoroughly dislike it. (if anything else has his ability let me know) It is not worth it to play a deck with pokemon I don't like in it, just because they have desirable abilities.

Pokemon: 26
  • 4 Eevee PF
  • 1 Flareon PF
  • 1 Jolteon PF
  • 1 Vaporeon PF
  • 1 Espeon PF
  • 1 Espeon DE
  • 1 Leafeon PF
  • 1 Sylveon XY
  • 2 Clefairy PS
  • 2 Clefable PS
  • 1 Audino LT
  • 1 Mew EX LT
  • 1 Meloetta BC
  • 1 Drifloon PLB
  • 1 Drifblim PLB
  • 1 Gothita LT
  • 1 Gothorita BC
  • 1 Gothitelle LT
  • 1 Ralts RC
  • 1 Kirlia LT
  • 1 Gardevoir RC

Trainers: 18
  • 1 Computer Search
  • 1 Town Map
  • 1 Aspertia City Gym
  • 1 Max Potion
  • 1 Silver Mirror
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 3 Level Ball
  • 2 Super Rod
  • 2 Superior Energy Retrieval
  • 3 Energy Search

Energy: 16
  • 2 Double Colorless Energy
  • 2 Lightning Energy
  • 2 Water Energy
  • 2 Fairy Energy
  • 8 Psychic Energy

This deck works on a combination of Eevee's call for family and Clefable's evolving ability to select the best eeveelutions for the situation and tries to pull Mew as early as possible, Once Mew becomes the active pokemon, working on filling the bench with the best attacks to keep Mew on the field as long as possible while still taking down the opponents. To expedite the evolutions in this deck, Clefable will be used alongside Level and Ultra Balls.
All of these were selected for their abilities, attacks, and hp.

Since none have a retreat cost higher than two I have no terrible need for float stone.
I would add an additional Mew EX but cannot afford it.

Debating replacing Meloetta and Audino but they are very solid basics. Iffy about Espeon DE as well. Also considering the addition of Giant Cape to use on Mew but am not sure if that would make significant difference that would keep it active longer.
Maybe would add Fliptini, and a trainer that lets you move pokemon from your bench to your hand if it exists? Possibly Switch too.

I was going to scrap Gardevoir to add consistency however I really like gardevoir more than Gothitelle even though it has less hp, and when it's on the bench while Mew is active I believe they could work together very well.

I'm still not sure if it is consistent enough, as this is my first strategic deck build.
The goal is a formidable cute deck!

Anyway, thoughts and criticism would all be appreciated! ^-^
RE: Mew EX/Eevees

I concur. Take out the Clefable line, the Audino, and the Meloetta for sure. On top of that I'd want to get rid of the Stage 2 lines. Stage 2's are very slow this format, and a 1-1-1 is way too thin to get set up consistently anyway. The marginal cost exceeds marginal benefit, so they're really not worth the effort. Trim it down to thicker and fewer lines for more consistency. That's twelve cards that could go to Supporters of which you currently have zero. Supporters are how you go through deck. Without them, it doesn't matter what cards you have in your deck because you can't get them into your hand and on the field. Start out with 4 Juniper, 4 N, and four more of your choice. See how that works.