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Mew EX in VirGen?!?! (Mew EX / Virizion EX / Genesect EX / Beartic)


Klinklang V Plz
Pokemon: 13

  • 2 Mew EX
    3 Virizion EX
    3 Genesect EX
    2-2 Beartic FUF
    1 Jirachi EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 33

  • 4 N
    3 Juniper
    2 Colress
    4 Skyla
    1 Pokemon Fan Club
    3 Ultra Ball
    3 Dimensional Valley
    3 Energy Switch
    3 Switch
    2 Startling Megaphone
    1 Energy Retrieval
    2 Muscle Band
    1 Gbooster
Energy: 14

  • 9 Grass
    4 Plasma
    1 DCE

Have an active Mew EX with a Virizion EX and Genesect EX active with D. Valley as stadium in play. Get either a T 1-2, 1 energy Emerald Slash and get some Genesects powered up fast.
Beartic is for Pyroar.
Needs room for a Sacred Ash. Should I have energy retrieval in there?
Thanks and opinions welcomed!
RE: Mew EX in VirGen?!?!

Making a decklist for a set which won't come out for another 3 months, which hasn't even come out in Japan yet, which has only had a few cards revealed, is (in my opinion) absolutely pointless. But I already said that before, so I'll try to contribute something.

I would drop DCE for Sacred Ash. Energy retrieval might actually work, but it needs playtesting to figure that out (in November).

I don't think you need 3 energy switch (but then again, I don't play Virizion/Genesect, so maybe you do), and would add in a fourth ultra ball instead.

Also consider dropping the 4th Skyla, maybe for a 4th Juniper, or another alternate supporter like Shauna. Or maybe a Shadow Triad (or two if you find space).

Perhaps replace a switch with an escape rope.

That's about all I can spot. Have fun waiting.
RE: Mew EX in VirGen?!?!

Only speculating to be the 1st at this idea.
I'd do escape rope, but with genesect it kind of sucks, and misplays happen easily.
I can see the drop of the DCE and 3rd energy switch though.

I can do:
-1 DCE
-1 Energy switch

+1 Sacred Ash
+1 Shadow triad