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Expanded Mew-Lock (Mew-EX / Amoongus / Luvdisc / Sableye / Victini)


Aspiring Trainer
  • 3 Sableye DEX 62
  • 2 Mew-EX
  • 2 Luvdisc FLF 27
  • 2 Victini NVI 98
  • 2 Foongus PLS 12
  • 2 Amoongus PLS 13
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 2 Ace Trainer
  • 2 Pokemon Fan Club
  • 3 N
  • 1 Teammates
  • 2 Ghetsis
  • 1 Team Flare Grunt
  • 4 Level Ball
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 2 Trick Shovel
  • 4 Crushing Hammer
  • 2 Enhanced Hammer
  • 4 VS Seeker
  • 4 Hypnotoxic Laser
  • 1 Dowsing Machine
  • 2 Switch
  • 2 Virbank City Gym
  • 4 Blend Energy GRPD
  • 4 Prism Energy

This deck is designed based on the Watchog Lock deck circa 2012. Primary objective is to empty their hand, followed up with controlling their draws to keep them unable to make any meaningful moves. Secondary objective is Energy denial through repeated crushing Hammer, Enhanced Hammer, and Team Flare Grunt. Once draw-lock is established through Trick Shovel usage/Heart Wink, VS Seeker can be used to recycle Supporters. If we have managed to maintain control with Trick Shovel specifically, we can use Junk Hunt for trick Shovel and VS Seeker specifically, set the draw to be useless, then VS Seeker for Flare Grunt for guaranteed Energy removal.

  • Active--Mew EX
  • Bench-Amoongus (Astonish to empty hand, Miracle Powder for emergency Paralyze until control can be established), Luvdisk (Heart Wink to lock opponent on empty hand), Sableye (Junk Hunt to recycle Items to maintain lock), and Victini (Victory Star Ability to reflip for Astonish, Miracle Powder, and Heart Wink)
Win Conditions
  • Prizes through Laser damage
  • Mill through Shovel
  • Item Lock-Without Items, we cannot maintain Energy denial.
  • Poor Sequencing-If we do not set up optimally in an extremely rapid manner, it is unlikely to ever happen.
  • Poor Flips-Even with Victini, it is still entirely possible to whiff on a crucial flip.
  • Red Card-Another reliable way to help bring their hand down to a manageable level in response to a Juniper or other draw effect. Recyclable with Junk Hunt.
  • Dimension Valley to remove energy requirement for most of our attacks through Mew EX
This is a fun deck that I have been fooling around with at League, however I hope to constantly test it and make it a competitive option. Any help you guys can offer, any insights would be much appreciated!
Hi Cannonballkuriboh!

So I had to dig a bit to figure out some ideas for this deck. I do enjoy the concept, but I think there are other cards you can consider if you're trying to pull this off.

Trick Coin (PHF 108): This may seem like it's just a filler card for Victini and it somewhat it, but there is another underlying effect to this card. It's a great card to use because not only does it allow re-flip, it prevents your opponent from placing Jamming Net and Head Ringer on to your Pokémon, meaning that you're not wasting precious energy that could be place else where.

Rotom (AOR 29): This is another good card to look at. It's a basic Pokémon that requires a two colorless energy. You flip three times and depending on the number of heads, you can make your opponent shuffle those cards back to his deck. It's a great card to use in combination with Red Card, forcing your opponent to a single card at most!

Baltoy (AOR 32): Another option to look at, it's like Trick Shovel, except you can manipulate three cards and adjust them to any order you like. It's a single Psychic Energy so it's worth looking at.

Xatu (ROS 29): Basically like Baltoy, except it's a stage one and allows you to move around five cards now. It also allows you to force your opponent to discard a trainer card which could help you keep them from using things like N or Sycamore.

Bunnelby (PRC 121): This is always a sold card to run, it can mill your opponent of two cards in one turn. Combining this with cards like Xatu/Baltoy can give you a full control of what your opponent is drawing.

Pangoro (FUF 68): Pangoro is a neat little card and could help you out in terms of damage output plus milling. While it does require three energy to power up, it does a solid 80 damage plus discarding a card from the opponents deck. In combination with Virbank, you can do 220 in two turns while keeping control of your opponent's hand and deck. This could help keep you out of a position of being stuck with out a way to check your opponent's Pokémon.

Durant (FLF 61): This card works similar to Red Card, except it doesn't reshuffle your opponent's hard and instead randomly removes cards till he has four cards. This can be great if you already know what your opponent has and are trying to cut him down on cards without having to worry about what they have.

Drifblim (PLB 35): You may be thinking why would I use this card? Well, it has a few benefits that you can use from it first would be it's free retreat cost as it's always nice to use incase your active gets knocked out. Second is it's attack, Derail not only does damage, but removes Special Energy from your opponent's active Pokémon. Things like Vespiquen would suffer greatly from this card.

Hex Maniac (AOR 75): Is a must need if you go more for an offensive approach, Aegislash EX hurts this deck since it locks you out of attacking with anything with special energy.

These are just some of the cards you could use in my opinion. B/W - LDT had quite a few draw/hand disruption Pokémon in their sets and are relatively easy to find.

The biggest thing I see hurting you is Crushing Hammer, Blend Energy, and Ace Trainer. Crushing Hammer is relying to heavily on coin flips and could be easily replaced by something better. Blend Energy could be replaced by Rainbow Energy as your now providing all kidns of energy across the board. DCE would be another option if you go for things like Pangoro. Ace Trainer is going to be a dead draw card as you most likely will never be up on prizes in most occasions, making it a dead card. Dimension Valley as you said would make Mew EX that much better. The only thing I should suggest is running Hard Charm to make Mew a little more bulky to not get knocked out as Mew EX will cost you two prizes.

Other than that, I feel like this a very fun deck to play and I hope this helps you! Good luck and have fun!
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