Pokemon: 15
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 33
This Deck has a lot of strategies. If I do not focus on the game, I know I may lose it, but if I really focus on it, I know I have quite number of possibilities to go through it. Mew Ex is not the main attacker, but it is useful when I have it in hand. Commonly I put my Eevee up and look for his evolutions that are convenient for the moment. One main purpose is having Bouffalant and Beheeyem on the bench as well as non-plasma Jolteon. Depending on my opponent's deck is how this deck runs, but I sometimes have difficulties with looking or having the correct card in my hand. How may I improve this deck? I accept any suggestions except making it a metagame deck. I think of adding one Victiny, it is that ok? If you can tell anything about this deck, I'll be happy.
- 3 Mew Ex
- 3 Eevee (BW Plasma Freeze)
- 1 Jolteon (BW Dark Explorers)
- 1 Jolteon (BW PF)
- 1 Leafeon (BW PF)
- 1 Drifloon (BW Plasma Blast)
- 1 Drifblim (BW PB)
- 1 Elgyem (BW Next Destinies)
- 1 Beheeyem (BW Plasma Storm)
- 1 Bouffalant (BW Dragons Exalted)
- 1 Furfrou (XY)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 33
- 1 Bycicle
- 1 Energy Retrieval
- 2 Energy Switch
- 3 Evo Soda
- 3 Level Ball
- 1 Professor's Letter
- 3 Random Receiver
- 1 Super Rod
- 3 Switch
- 2 Tool Scrapper
- 1 Town Map
- 2 Ultra Ball
- 3 N
- 2 Skyla
- 2 Skyarrow Brige
- 1 Float Stone
- 1 Muscle Band
- 1 Life Dew {Acepec}
- 1 Grass Energy
- 2 Electric Energy
- 1 Psychic Energy
- 4 Blend Energy {Psyc/Dark/Grass/Fire}
- 4 Double Clrss.
This Deck has a lot of strategies. If I do not focus on the game, I know I may lose it, but if I really focus on it, I know I have quite number of possibilities to go through it. Mew Ex is not the main attacker, but it is useful when I have it in hand. Commonly I put my Eevee up and look for his evolutions that are convenient for the moment. One main purpose is having Bouffalant and Beheeyem on the bench as well as non-plasma Jolteon. Depending on my opponent's deck is how this deck runs, but I sometimes have difficulties with looking or having the correct card in my hand. How may I improve this deck? I accept any suggestions except making it a metagame deck. I think of adding one Victiny, it is that ok? If you can tell anything about this deck, I'll be happy.