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Mew Prime/Absol Prime - Masters-Cities

Bag o Bones

Aspiring Trainer
Alright, When I saw the new Mew and Absol Primes, I just had to make a deck with them. So, after a lot of searching through the legal sets, here's what I've found, and now I'm seeking advice on how to make it better.


4 Mew Prime
4 Absol Prime
1 Celebi Prime
1 Azelf
1 Azelf Lv x
1 Mesprit
2 Uxie
2 Palkia G
1 Palkia G lv X
2 Bronzong G
1 Umbreon (Undaunted)
1 Lucario GL
1 Mightyena (LA)
1 Machamp (SF)
1 Water Arceus

Pokemon - 24


4 Rainbow
4 Dark
6 Psychic
2 Call

Energy - 16


3 Pokemon Collector
4 Bebe Search
2 Snowpoint Temple
3 Flint's Willpower
2 Seeker
2 Judge
3 Warp Point
1 Palmer

Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums - 20

Point of this deck is to start with Absol Prime and start sending pokemon to the lost zone so Mew Prime can use their attacks. Palkia G Lv X lets me send basics such as Celebi Prime and Water Arceus to the lost zone, while Absol can send the evolutions such as Machamp, Mightyena, and Umbreon for use. Palkia G Lv X also has the added bonus of possibly getting one of my opponents pokemon in for Mew's use. Water Arceus is for the Mewtwo Lv X bypass, and anything else that would block it.

Then, once everything is set, Mew can use their attacks as needed. Celebii's prevents Mew from taking damage from evolved pokemon, Machamp and Mightyena take care of basics and SP's, while Umbreon handles Pokemon with Powers and Bodies.

Azelf is there in case something important is prized, while Azelf X can be used as a secondary attacker if necessary. Bronzong G and Flint are in the deck so I can power up Mew faster, seeing as Celebii's attack requires 3 energy. Lucario GL is in because otherwise Tyrantar Prime would run ranshack over these guys and at least gives me a fighting chance against Dialga G X.

So, here it is, let me know what you think I should add in or change.

(Side note, I don't own Uxie X or Luxray GL x.)
You should add in 1 houndoom UD just encase you face a machamp. Since you already play lucario you can do 160 damage on machamp with only 1 darkness energy.

So maybe take out 1 mesprit for 1 houndoom ud.

That could work. Only put Mespirt in because of a one-turn power-lock and it wouldn't hurt to be rid of it due to Palkia G x.
well you wont always be playing a machamp.

-Flint's Willpower
you will need uxie to get to 7 cards in your hand because the plans might not work and you'll have to keep searching for cards.

Also, does anyone have suggestions for possibly getting Palkia Gx out faster? I have 3 warp point, but I don't seem to be getting them quickly enough to get Palkia in and then out.
you are running waaaaaaaaaaay too many pokemon and not nearly enough trainers/supporters/stadiums. Here's what I suggest:
-2 Mew Prime. Mew Prime is a good card, but 4 is too many. 2 is just fine, especially because it only has 60 HP. Running 4 would basically be giving your opponent free prize cards.
-1 Mesprit (TBH, I don't exactly see the point of running Mesprit at all, and running only 1 isn't going to do much anyways.)
-2-1 Palkia G LV. X (this might seem to contradict your strategy, but I have a point for it later. I promise.)
-1 Bronzong G (you really only need 1. If they kill it, you can always play Aaron's collection to get it back.
-1 Umbreon
-1 Water ARceus
-1 MIghtyena
-3 Flint's Willpower (won't help you that much)
-3 Warp Point
-1 Bebe's Search(3 Bebe's along with 2 Pokémon Communication and Cyrus' Conspiracy to search out the Bebe's will be just fine.)
-2 Seeker (I can't see you using this on much, except for Uxie, and I'm not sure that Seeker will help you that much.)
-2 Snowpoint Temple (Mew/Absol Prime don't really have enough HP even with snowpoint temple to survive.)
-2 Rainbow Energy
-1 Special Dark Energy (Absol Prime is the only thing that can use it, so you don't need 4.)
-2 Psychic Energy

+2-2 Gallade E4 Lv. X. With absol's ability to spread 20 damage to all of your opponent's basics at the beginning of the game, spread becomes absolutely ridiculous if you add in Gallade E4 lv. X
+0-0-1 T-Tar Prime. This might seem random, but with Mew Prime, you can just drop a dark energy and 20 spread damage to all pokemon in play, except for {D} types.
+0-0-1 Gengar SF. Again, might seem random, but Mew Prime gives you the ability to use Shadow Room whenever you want to. This is really nice considering Unown G just got rotated, and Mew Prime is a basic Pokémon, that can get out at any time.
+4 Cyrus' Conspiracy (good for Searching out any supporter, and you can grab whatever basic energy you want to.)
+1 Crobat G
+4 PokeTurn
+4 PowerSpray
+2 Call Energy
+2 Basic Dark Energy
+2 Pokémon Communication
+1 Aaron's Collection (Allows instant access to any dead SP's as well as basic energies you might need.)

^This seems like the /most/ random deck ever, but it's not. Absol Prime along with Gallade E4 LV. X makes spready early game extremely easy to do. If you use a Bebe's and put a Tyranitar Prime into the lost Zone with Absol Prime's attack, Mew Prime with a dark energy can help spread damage early game as well. IF you spread enough you won't need to fear Mewtwo Lv. X, because you can just get your prizes from your opponent's other benched Pokémon. Gengar SF and Azelf LV. X can snipe your opponent's benched pokemon, depending on the situation (as well as giving your Gallade E4 lv. X no weakness.) If you see your opponent is playing Garchomp C Lv. X, just save your power sprays for Garchomp's "Healing Breath" poke-power.
Thanks for the suggestions, however, I don't have any Gallade 4 X's, and trainer lock is kinda heavy in my area, so I'm trying to avoid using a lot of SP cards. Didn't think of trying spread with this deck though, so I'll keep that in mind.

What I was trying to use was a kind of lock so that no matter what the opponent brought out, Mew could counter it.
The 4 Mew and his Pokemon Choice is fine. The only thing he's going to have to worry about is Luxray, Pokemon Circulator, Metagross (Legends Awakened), Pokemon Reversal, Warp Point, etc.

Any card that makes your opponent swap or circulate their active for any bench as it will remove the effect of the Celebi Prime attack to avoid heavy damage from Evolutions.

You may want to consider running a 1-1-1 Vileplume just to avoid half of the above listed weaknesses and replace the 3 Warp Points with 3 Warp Energies. However since you said Trainer Locks are heavy in your meta, most trainer heavy decks will probably get weeded out after the first few rounds in most tournaments from either Mismagnius or Gengar SF.

Still, I think maybe replace 1 of those Warp Points with a Warp Energy to retreat to Palkia, Lv. X and Warp Energy (If Locked) back to the bench or Warp Point (If Unlocked) back. You'd want to do this after Mew is played and you don't want to get Palkia out immediately to help catch your opponent off guard.
Okay, I've made a few changes.

I dropped the Mespirt for a Giratina x, if only during a few tests I started with it and it alone waaaaaay too many times, and Giratina X has an attack that can send more pokemon to the lost zone if Mew prime is able to KO anything with it.

I dropped a Flint's willpower for a 3rd Uxie.

I dropped the seekers and judges for 2 twins and 2 Professor Oaks New Theory, if only because too many times I started with Absol Prime and no supporters other then those two, and Judge often times left me with no pokemon to send to the Lost Zone.

I dropped the Call energy for 2 special dark.

I decided against Houndoom UD because as long as Lucario GL is out, which is fairly easy to do, Water Arceus's attack will still OHKO machamp. Ditto if I have Absol Prime in the lost zone as well. E-Belts are hard to deal with, but usually they already have 2 damage from Absol. I might add in Houndoom later if Machamp gets bigger, but as for now he doesn't seem necessary.

So, as the new deck list stands...


4 Mew Prime
4 Absol Prime
1 Celebi Prime
1 Azelf
1 Azelf Lv x
3 Uxie
2 Palkia G
1 Palkia G lv X
2 Bronzong G
1 Umbreon (Undaunted)
1 Lucario GL
1 Mightyena (LA)
1 Machamp (SF)
1 Water Arceus
1 Giratina X

Pokemon - 25


4 Rainbow
4 Dark
6 Psychic
2 Special Dark

Energy - 16


3 Pokemon Collector
4 Bebe Search
2 Snowpoint Temple
2 Flint's Willpower
2 Twins
3 Warp Point
1 Palmer

Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums - 19

Thoughts? Suggestions?
If you don't have any Gallade E4 LV. X's, like I suggested earlier, you could run Abomasnow SF. You could also tech in a Lunatone from SV and a Solrock from HS Triumphant. The Solrock states that no damage counters can be removed from either your or your opponent's pokemon, so your opponent can't use Garchomp C Lv. X to remove his spread damage. They would have to waste all of their PokeTurns just to stay alive.