Mew Prime & Gyarados

Could a Mew Gyarados deck work?

  • Yes, it could

    Votes: 15 45.5%
  • No

    Votes: 18 54.5%

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Top 8, Worlds 2013
Advanced Member
Would a Mew Prime deck with Gyarados deck work? You could discard all 4 Magikarp so Mew would use Gyarados's attack, which does 120 damage, no energy reqiured. All you'd have to do is use Mew Primes attack, see off, to get mew in, then next turn do up to 120 damage. This could be T2 or T3, so it could be a Donk deck.

IDK, it seems great on paper, but your leaving a poor mew all up in the active that will surely get KO'ed, so you probably need 4 mews, and at least 3-4 psychic energy to use see off. The best thing about gyarados is that it can just keep going and plowing through everything, because of its massive HP. 130/150 > 60/80
How do you propose getting all four Magikarps discarded AND have Gyarados in the Lost Zone first turn? >_> It's hard enough discarding three Magikarps with Junk Arm and Regice, let alone all four along with needing an Energy as well. That's why pure Gyarados decks work. They're fast enough to keep up and bulky enough to actually take a hit.

dmaster out.
No, just try to lost zone a Gyarados first turn. Use Regis to discard the Magikarps.
That doesn't speed up the process. It still makes it slower with a lower HP Pokemon.

dmaster out.
Gyarados's damage output is perfectly fine. It reaches the magic number 110 with an Expert Belt. 120 is really not that needed, unless you can come up with a matchup that needs the extra 10 damage. >_>

And that's true as well. Gyarados can get even higher with Black Belt and/or Crobat G. So yeah, that makes it like completely useless lol.

dmaster out.
Yeah, Gyara is much better without Mew. Takes too much space, and the 30 extra damage is NOT worth the 50 less HP... and this would still only be attacking on YOUR 2nd turn, so I don't see how it would donk many/any competitive decks...
To add on, Mew should not be a tech in Gyarados at all (I'm assuming this as a thread to be based around Mew as the center of the Gyarados deck, not as a tech). Gyarados decks would much rather use its space for draw cards, recovery, and damage cards. It isn't worth wasting 3-4 cards on a card that would be KO'ed the next turn.
A Basic Pokemon with 80 HP (if Belted) that needs at least 1 Psychic Energy on it,
versus a Stage 1 Pokemon with 150 HP (if Belted) that doesn't really need any Energy on it.

Look, if Mew weren't so easy to kill, then it'd be a great idea for Gyarados. However, this idea has been discussed at PB many times before, and it always reaches the following conclusion = Mew Prime replacing Gyarados is impractical. And if you run into Dialga GX, you really are done for.

80 is really easy to one-hit (Dragon Rush, anyone?). 150 is almost impossible to one-hit without Lucario GL. And it doesn't matter if you get everything ready T1 (which is almost impossible) - Mew just cannot take a hit.
@almost everyone
That all does prove that Gyarados is better without Mew Prime.
i think it is better to use it with garchomp lvx from md, you discard all of your magikarps, then gyarados, use garchomp lvx's attack, retreat garchomp, then destroy w/ gyarados
^That still doesn't make Gyarados better. You don't need 120 damage, since Gyarados can already do well with 110 damage with Expert Belt on. Plus, using Garchomp to setup makes Gyarados much slower, since you have to setup a Stage-2 Lv.X.
Yeah, Gyara works too well to mess with it with a tech... Mew doesn't work because of low HP, Garchomp is too slow and takes up space, and the combination takes up lots of space, is slow, and Mew, which is necessary to attack with, gets OHKO'd really really easily.
In summation, I don't think Gyarados needs very much improvement right now. Mew and Garchomp are both impractical, and although an extra 30 damage is a nice idea, it doesn't really justify setting up a stage 2 LV.X (despite Dragon Pulse).
Maaaaaaaaaybe Mew Prime might work in an endgame situation for Gyarados (i.e. drop it at the last minute for a surprise 120 or 140) as a little surprise, but even so Gyarados is a lot harder to kill anyway, and can be reclaimed with little difficulty now that Rescue Energy is being used with Gyara.
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