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Mewbox (Mew/Lucario) For Cities


Like A Boss
4 Mew
3-4 Lucario (CoL)
3 Relicanth
2 Absol Prime

1 Garbodor
1 Jirachi
1 Crobat Prime
1 Mandibuzz
1 Umbreon
1 Zoroark

3 Collector
2 Black Belt
2 IQ
3 Eviolite
3 Catcher
3 Communication
2 Revive

5 Psychic
4 Rainbow
2 Sp. Darkness
2 Rescue

So obvious strategy is obvious. Start with Mew/Relicanth/Absol (preferably Relicanth) and send as many pokemon to the Lost Zone as possible, while setting up multiple Mews and Lucario. The 3-4 Lucario line is so I can set up 3 Lucario and Lost Zone 1.
I took out Muk for Garbodor, because Muk isn't as useful when you have the option of Catcher. Anything Muk could do Catcher and Crobat can do. I liked that Garbodor could stop from retreating, so I chose him as the replacement.
The Lost Zone techs are mostly just there to be Lost Zone fodder, but they do have a purpose.
Zoroark - For the obvious. Counters everything, and can abuse the DCE.
Umbreon - Its a good shield, and it won me a Mirror match up against a guy who didn't run Rainbow/Darkness
Mandibuzz - To be used in combination with Absol. if I start with Absol, I can snipe with the damage counters he places.
Crobat - Obvious staple in Mewbox, and it helps with early Donphan matchups when paired with Umbreon.
Jirachi - Just in case
Garbodor - For reasons as explained above.

Any comments and criticisms are welcome, but know when it stops being constructive.
I would put in a spinarak over garbodor if your idea is to lock them and if you want damage go with Elektross
Have you thought about tweaking this deck to help get around KyuremGatr and CaKE like with my current list so far?

Pokemon (18)

4 Mew Prime TR
3-3 Zoroark BW
0-0-2 Butterfree HS
0-0-2 Jumpluff HS
0-2 Muk UD
2 Reshiram BW

Trainers/Supporters (27)

4 Pokemon Collector
4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Junk Arm
4 Revive
4 Professor Juniper
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Eviolite

Energies (15)

4 Double Colorless
4 Rainbow Energy
4 Psychic
3 Grass

Deck Total: 60