Pokemon (23)
4 Mew Prime TR
3-2-3 Vileplume UD
0-0-2 Pidgeot TR
0-2 Jumpluff HS
3-3 Zoroark BW
0-1 Muk UD
Trainers/Supporters (22)
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
4 Rare Candy
4 Pokemon Communication
3 Professor Elm's Training Method
3 Copycat
Energies (15)
7 Psychic
4 Rainbow Energy
4 Double Colorless
Deck Total: 60
Credit goes to hdubbz and Vysekun from http://google.com/ for the deck concept. The strategy of this deck is to achieve a T1 See Off with Mew Prime to send either Jumpluff or Pidgeot to the Lost Zone to use their attacks. I think you'd want to start off with Pidgeot first in the Lost Zone.
With Pidgeot in the Lost Zone you can have Mew Prime use Headwind on their heavy hitters for a DCE which increases my Opponent's Active Pokemon's attack costs by 2 energies. It's a nice strategy for stalling out til you See Off Jumpluff and start Mass Attacking with Mew Prime. With Vileplume out they can't use Switch to bail out their Active or use Pokemon Reversal or Pokemon Catcher to target your benched Pokemon.
Muk helps me Sludge Drag any Pokemon for 1 Psychic and helps me stall a bit besides Headwind with Pidgeot, with Jumpluff in my Lost Zone I can Mass Attack for alot of damage or Leaf Guard to get around Donphan Prime early game. Zoroark is my Stage 1 attacker and can come in handy for Foul Play to copy attacks and Revenge KO plenty of Pokemon.
Any advice, help, and/or suggestions are greatly appreciated, thanks!
4 Mew Prime TR
3-2-3 Vileplume UD
0-0-2 Pidgeot TR
0-2 Jumpluff HS
3-3 Zoroark BW
0-1 Muk UD
Trainers/Supporters (22)
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
4 Rare Candy
4 Pokemon Communication
3 Professor Elm's Training Method
3 Copycat
Energies (15)
7 Psychic
4 Rainbow Energy
4 Double Colorless
Deck Total: 60
Credit goes to hdubbz and Vysekun from http://google.com/ for the deck concept. The strategy of this deck is to achieve a T1 See Off with Mew Prime to send either Jumpluff or Pidgeot to the Lost Zone to use their attacks. I think you'd want to start off with Pidgeot first in the Lost Zone.
With Pidgeot in the Lost Zone you can have Mew Prime use Headwind on their heavy hitters for a DCE which increases my Opponent's Active Pokemon's attack costs by 2 energies. It's a nice strategy for stalling out til you See Off Jumpluff and start Mass Attacking with Mew Prime. With Vileplume out they can't use Switch to bail out their Active or use Pokemon Reversal or Pokemon Catcher to target your benched Pokemon.
Muk helps me Sludge Drag any Pokemon for 1 Psychic and helps me stall a bit besides Headwind with Pidgeot, with Jumpluff in my Lost Zone I can Mass Attack for alot of damage or Leaf Guard to get around Donphan Prime early game. Zoroark is my Stage 1 attacker and can come in handy for Foul Play to copy attacks and Revenge KO plenty of Pokemon.
Any advice, help, and/or suggestions are greatly appreciated, thanks!