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Card Slinger J

Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon (23)

4 Mew Prime TR
3-2-3 Vileplume UD
0-0-2 Pidgeot TR
0-2 Jumpluff HS
3-3 Zoroark BW
0-1 Muk UD

Trainers/Supporters (22)

4 Pokemon Collector
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
4 Rare Candy
4 Pokemon Communication
3 Professor Elm's Training Method
3 Copycat

Energies (15)

7 Psychic
4 Rainbow Energy
4 Double Colorless

Deck Total: 60

Credit goes to hdubbz and Vysekun from http://google.com/ for the deck concept. The strategy of this deck is to achieve a T1 See Off with Mew Prime to send either Jumpluff or Pidgeot to the Lost Zone to use their attacks. I think you'd want to start off with Pidgeot first in the Lost Zone.

With Pidgeot in the Lost Zone you can have Mew Prime use Headwind on their heavy hitters for a DCE which increases my Opponent's Active Pokemon's attack costs by 2 energies. It's a nice strategy for stalling out til you See Off Jumpluff and start Mass Attacking with Mew Prime. With Vileplume out they can't use Switch to bail out their Active or use Pokemon Reversal or Pokemon Catcher to target your benched Pokemon.

Muk helps me Sludge Drag any Pokemon for 1 Psychic and helps me stall a bit besides Headwind with Pidgeot, with Jumpluff in my Lost Zone I can Mass Attack for alot of damage or Leaf Guard to get around Donphan Prime early game. Zoroark is my Stage 1 attacker and can come in handy for Foul Play to copy attacks and Revenge KO plenty of Pokemon.

Any advice, help, and/or suggestions are greatly appreciated, thanks!
So, any suggestions on what I need to do to fix this deck or is
it fine the way it is despite not being able to get Yanmega Prime's for this
Well, there are a couple changes I'd make.

-1-1-0 Vileplume a 2-1-2 line is optimal
-2 Jumpluff when comboed with Muk/Mew Leafeon can hit 100 a turn, it seems like a waste to have to fill up your bench and rely on the opponent doing so for just 20 more damage
-3 Judge without Yanmega Prime you don't need this
-3 Sage's Training this can force you to put important cards into the discard
-2 Copycat see Judge
-2 Grass Energy without Jumpluff you don't need this

+2-2 Houndoom Prime with this guy on the bench, you can get burn onto the opponent's defending pokemon, leafeon can hit 150 damage, OHKOing most things in the format
+1 Rare Candy you want Vileplume out as soon as possible and since you can't search this out this should be maxed
+2 Professor Elm's Training Method since Vileplume locks your trainers these are necessary to get evolutions out

This leaves you with 7 cards to put in but honestly I don't know what since Vileplume locks trainers. Maybe some seekers to remove vileplume if needed?
Those fixes aren't too bad I guess, I'm not really sure about Houndoom Prime. You think that instead of Leafeon in this deck that I'm better off with Mismagius UD for Poltergiest? Sure I won't be able to search it out with Sunflora but at least I'll have a potentially strong attacker on my side and Dark is somewhat popular with Zoroark but not quite.

Thanks for the suggestions Dark Void, now If I knew what to run for those extra 7 slots like you mentioned. I'm not sure If I really want to take out Jumpluff, it seems really good in this deck with Mew as a main attacker to potentially do 90+ damage however If I need to I could take Jumpluff out in favor of Crobat Prime. What do you think?

With Crobat Prime I'd have an easier time getting around Reshiram and Zekrom, Severe Poison them for 4 damage counters attacking with Mew then next turn unless they Outrage or KO Mew, next turn have Mew use Mass Attack with Jumpluff in the Lost Zone for the KO. Seems kinda slow considering it would take 2 turns to KO them. Another nice aspect with Crobat Prime in the Lost Zone is that I can bench snipe any Cleffa's and Tyrogue's on my Opponent's bench with Mew using Skill Dive.

I'm having a hard time getting Houndoom Prime's and as much as it has good synergy with Leafeon, I don't know it's going to take several turns to setup and I need to achieve a T1 See Off with Mew Prime and get Vileplume out ASAP otherwise this deck fails. Sunflora helps me get my Vileplume with Sunshine Grace granted I get 2 Oddish on the bench with a Collector and Rare Candy to make sure I have a backup Oddish incase one gets sniped.
Crobat sounds good, its a good choice in any mew deck. Houndoom isn't really something to put priority in, the order you want things set up in would be: Mew, maybe Sunflora to set up Vileplumes and Leafeons, Vileplume, Leafeon, and then finally Houndoom. Houndoom is really just in there to net some KOs against bigger pokemon since you can't use trainers but it isn't of utmost priority. You can remove it if you feel the deck is too clunky, but with those 7 spots you don't know what to do with (keep in mind any other deck would be praying for something like that) there should be room for Houndoom. Another thing to put in those 7 spots might be more PETMs, which should help with getting out Houndoom.
I don't really want to bank on Houndoom Prime in this deck but I might not have much choice. But you're right on those extra slots. The reason why I needed a 3-2-2 line of Vileplume is to ensure I get Trainer Lock ASAP, otherwise the deck fails.
^ Exactly. I wouldn't run any less than a 3-1-3. This deck HAS to get Plume out or it ends up falling apart. It's what I run in mine and I plan to test it out this Saturday at my league.
I think Sunflora is just wasted bench space/decreases consistency in this very consistency dominated format, especially with only a 1-1 line. Either up the Plume to 3-1-3/3-2-3 and drop Sunflora, or make Sunflora 2-2/3-3 and run 2-1-2. Either way, your primary focus is locking the opponent by T2. That's logistically what you have to be looking at, because both dragons, DonkMega, and even Cinccino can set up extremely fast if you allow them to use their trainers. Without them, the deck stalls, which is where you can destroy.
Should I run a 1-1 Dodrio UD line for Retreat Aid over Sunflora then? It helps give my Mismagius free retreat so I won't have to sacrifice energies to use Poltergiest If I decide to switch attackers with Mew Prime which is supposed to be my main attacker as well besides a Starter.

I was thinking of going 2-1-2 Vileplume and 2-2 Dodrio, what do you think? Or is Sunshine Grace too crucial to sacrifice cause it does help me achieve a faster Trainer Lock but the problem I see is that I won't be able to switch between Mismagius and Mew without Dodrio benched once I established my lock.
WIth the deck as it is now, you really don't need sunflora. Its not worth setting up a Stage 1 just so it can help you set up a stage 2 that isn't your attacker and shouldn't need replaced. It just doesn't make sense IMO.
I would drop the 2-2 Sunflora. It's easy sniping bait for Yanmega Prime, and it only helps get a tech out of the deck. I would up the Vileplume line to 3-2-3, since with Catcher coming out, and Yanmega Prime, the Oddish is really easy to snipe and/or kill. I would also add in 1 Bouffolant (however you spell that :p) since you can either Lost Zone it with mew, or just set it on your bench. Mew only has 60 HP, so Revenge will be hitting for its full 90 damage quite often.

I would Drop the 4 Rescue energy. If you attatch it to Mew, it can't use any attacks from Pokémon in the Lost Zone, and Mew won't (at least it shouldn't) be surviving 2 turns to attatch a Psychic and then a Rescue anyways. I'd add in 3 Double Colorless Energy, so you can use Muk's Pester attack easier, as well as Bouffolant's Revenge attack. I'd also drop 1 Rainbow Energy (even if you do add in Jumpluff, there's only 1 Pokémon where you'd rather use a Rainbow then a Psychic) and add in 2 Twins. It's quite possible that you'll be losing, between opposing Yanmega's speed, Mew's Low HP, and the ability to Catcher/Snipe oddish. Twins can help you get back on track.
Do I also need to run any Cinccino's or Zoroark's in this deck over Mismagius or would
that hurt it's consistency? I'm liking the fixes so far and Bouffalant might come in handy since Mew gets KO'ed easily.