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Mewtwo and Friends (Mewtwo / Toxicroak / Chandelure EX)


Aspiring Trainer
This is a revised version of a cheap deck I made on PTCGO revolving around Mewtwo/Bouffalant/Toxicroak. The format has changed a bit since then and since I'm playing playTCG, money isn't an issue (though I still think it shouldn't be too expensive). Therefore, I added a few changes.

Experience: Intermediate

Pokemon 12
  • 3 Mewtwo
  • 2-2 Toxicroak
  • 2 Sigilyph
  • 1 Mr Mime
  • 1 Jirachi EX
  • 1 Chandelure EX

Trainers 37
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 4 N
  • 3 Skyla
  • 2 Colress
  • 1 Bicycle
  • 2 Level Ball
  • 2 Ultra Ball
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 1 Dowsing Machine (ace spec)
  • 1 Tool Scrapper
  • 2 Switch
  • 1 Escape Rope
  • 2 Catcher
  • 2 Energy Switch
  • 1 EXP Share
  • 2 Muscle Band
  • 4 Lasers
  • 2 Virbank

Energy 11
  • 7 Psy
  • 4 DCE

Strategy: Not much of a strategy other than to take advantage of a variety of attackers and get those tricky prizes. A little run down.

Mewtwo: Main attacker. A card I still think is strong despite Yveltal's existance. Just attach a DCE and you can put a lot of pressure on an opponent at any time in the game. Since I run psychic energy, Psydrive isn't a bad move either (it even won me a game).

Toxicroak: This was mostly for dealing with other Mewtwo and Deoxys. While those aren't as a big as a thing anymore, they occasionally come into play, leading to epic counter attacks. Either way, the ability to do 90 damage for a mere energy is not something to scoff at. Also, with Virbank, any poison move can put immediate pressure on an opponent (even the weak Croagunk can cause headaches). This will also be nice when Pyroar is released (so I don't have to rely on lasers in those matchups)

Sigilyph: This has won me games against EX heavy decks. Nuff said.

Mr Mime: When ever I take this card out of my deck, I end up deeply regretting it.

Jirachi EX: Never bad in a deck that runs level ball.

Chandelure EX: The deck's sniper. Mostly late game for finishing off heavily damaged pokemon EX. (I once got four prizes with curse drop against a Rayquaza deck).

Supporters are pretty standard. The only real trick (other than Jirachi) is Bicycle, which can be searched out by Skyla and turn it into a draw card (among other things)

Ultra and Level ball: There are enough 90HP or less pokemon to justify 2 level ball.

EXP Share/Energy Switch: Pseudo acceleration. Energy Switch allows for some neat surprise attacks and it also combos with EXP Share.

Muscle Band/Virbank/Laser: Ways to add damage. I think that despite the existance of Virizion, Virbank/Laser is extremely potent and muscle band is a staple for most offensive decks.

As for the rest of the trainers, I consider at least one switch staple. Escape rope is a dual purpose card that can turn the game around at just the right moment. Catcher is still very strong despite the nerf and while the deck isn't too effected by Garbodor, tool scrapper is always nice to have.

Overall, it's a surprisingly effective deck that has given me many great matches.
RE: Mewtwo and Friends.

a don't see many flawss on it other than bicycle... running only one is just to random, so i'll cut it and add another scrapper (not that you need it at all) not actually for garbodor match, but to keep disrupting keldeo stone or other muscles and such things