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Mewtwo/Chandelure Deck help plz and thanks!


Aspiring Trainer
I plan on going to regionals for the first time and I was wondering how my deck stacks up to others out there.
Is it any good? Constructive criticism please :)

Pokemon (20):
2-2-2 Chandelure NV
2-2-2 Gothitelle (Magic Room)
1-1 Cinccino Smooth Coat)
1-1 Darmanitan (psychic)
2 Mewtwo EX (I have a 3rd one in case I should add another)
1 druddigon
1 victini (Victory star)

T/S/S (23):
1 N
2 Twins
2 Professor Junipers
1 Pokemon Collector
2 Pokemon Communication
1 Switch
1 black belt
1 potion
1 engineers adjustments
1 great ball
1 copycat
1 energy search
1 pokemon reversal
1 level ball

Energy (17):
2 {C}{C}
15 {P} Energy

I can beat my cousins but they aren't that great, and I honestly feel like my deck is pretty random. Any suggestions?
RE: Mewtwo/Chandelure Deck help please and thanks!

deck is too random and has no solid substance.

i would play your 3rd mewtwo, drop the cincinno line and the darmanitan line. 1-1 lines never work if they do its never consistent.
you are playing too many of just 1 card. drop 1's and use 3-4 lines to make things more consistent.
RE: Mewtwo/Chandelure Deck help please and thanks!

I don't really see the synergy. Sure goethite like can trainer lock but while chandelure is active? The T/S/s lines need some things to change. I'd recommend changing it to more of a chandyplume deck because IMO gothitelle isnt good. Here are my suggestions
-4 PETM (just not good and take up the supporter for the turn)
-1 black belt (not needed)
-1 EA (just not good)
-1 Pokemon reversal (just not good)
-1 great ball (not good)
-1 copycat (better drawing supporters than this in this deck)
-1 potion (just not good)
-1-1 cincinno(not good and does not really have anything to do with this deck)
-1-1 darmanitan (not as good as mewtwo)
-1 victini (no more darmanitan)
-1 drudiggon (I'd try to focus more in chandy)
-1 energy search (not good and not needed)
-6 psychic energies (that may be enough)

+3 collector (consistency)
+4 rare candy (if gothitelle is to remain)
+3 sage's (pretty good at getting out stage 2s)
+2 N (drawing power)
+3 PONT (drawing power)

And I left about eight spaces I think for the Pokemon. I think you should make it a bit less random and either go with mewtwo (with gothitelle) or chandyplume. I kind of based my suggestions according to the chandyplume but I think either is fine. Sorry if it is kind of confusing.
RE: Mewtwo/Chandelure Deck help please and thanks!

Thanks for the feedback, i'm planning on checking out my local card shop and getting some of the cards you recommended :)
I'll post my updated deck later tonight if you could also check thought out too, please :)