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Mewtwo Deck


Hi. I am a junior pokemon player and wanted to know if my deck was any good. thanks!

Pokemon: 19
2 Mewtwo ex
3-2-2 Gardevoir (ND)
3-3 Darmanitan (ND)
4 Fliptini

Trainers: 18
4 Pokemon communication
3 Interviewers questions
4 Cilan
4 Dual ball
4 Eviolite
3 Pokemon catcher

Energy: 19
4 {C}{C}
15 {P}

please leave me some info. :p
You should take out all the cilans and interveiwers questions and add in 4 professor oaks new theory and 3 N.
Also take out 5 psychic energies and add in 3 rare candies and 2 pluspower. Then take out 3 Fliptini and a kirlia and add in 4 professor junipers. Also replace the dual balls with pokemon collectors.

Good luck at any tournaments you go to
-1 or 2 Fliptini
-1 Eviolite
-1 Kirlia
+2 Rare Candy
+1 Mewtwo

4 Fliptinis are overkill and so are 4 Eviolites; you only run 2 Mewtwo. (I think you should run one more Mewtwo since it's more of the focus of the deck).
There are many things that you might want to consider in here so try
-2 fliptini ( 4 is too much)
-4 cilan ( getting out energies won't be a problem)
-4 eviolite ( for 2 mewtwo? I don't think it may need it really)
-2 DCE (gardevoir basically makes your psychics DCEs)
-2 Psychic energy (think 13 is enough)
-3 IQ (getting out energies won't be a problem)
-0-1-0 gardevoir? (not sure but I think that may be enough)

+2 rare candy (for gardevoir)
+4 junk arm ( for reusing trainers)
+2 switch (may help)
+2 tornadus? ( may help setup)
+3 juniper (drawing power)
+3 N (good drawing power)
+2 PONT (drawing power)
- 2 Fliptini
- 4 Dual Ball
- 0-1-0 Kirlia
- 1 Pokemon Communication
- 4 cilan
- 3 Interviewer's Questions
- 1 Eviolite
- 6 {P} energy
- 22

+ 3 Rare Candy
+ 4 Junk arm
+ 4 Pokemon Collector
+ 4 Professor Oak's new Theory
+ 1 Pokegear 3.0
+ 1 Cleffa
+ 2 Sage's Training
+ 3 N
+ 22

If this is your first deck, good job! mine was terrible...