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Mewtwo / Eels / Lazers


O hai der
Pokemon: 13
3 Mewtwo Ex
2 Tornadus Ex
2 Zekrom BW
3-3 Eels

Supporters: 12
4 N
4 Juniper
3 Skyla
1 Bianca

Items: 24
4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Hypnotoxic laser
4 Switch
3 Level Ball
3 Ultra Ball
2 Virbank City Gym
2 Eviolite
1 Super Rod
1 Computer Search

Energy: 11
7 Lightning

Put on early pressure while setting up eels. Then when life gets you down, go to your eels. Zekrom takes care of those pesky sigilyphs and klinklangs. Any suggestions would be great :)
Nice list. A few thoughts for consideration:

The possibility of starting with a Tornadus EX, DCE, HtL, and VCG is sooo good T1 - inflicting 90 damage is great that early. So, you might want to consider increasing your Tornadus EX count.

As we all know, Tynamos are quite "fragile" with a low HP of 40; so, they will be prime targets early game. I'd suggest running at least 4 to enhance your chances of getting 2-3 out as soon as pobssible.

Since you will deplete your hand by playing Professor Juniper, I'd suggest you also increase your Bianca count for hand replenishment (without the possibility of discarding resources). Also, since you'll tend to play with a full bench, Colress may also be a good choice for card draw support.

So, my suggested changes:

-2 Eviolite. May not really be a big factor since your opponent may still 1-2HKO your Eviolited Poke or Scrapper the Tool away.
+1Tornadus EX
+1 Tynamo

-1 Skyla. 9 card draw Supporters, IMHO, are too few.
-1 Professor Juniper
+2 Bianca/Colress