• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Mewtwo Ex / Gardevoir / Gallede - Great Deck


Bending Lightning
Experience: Intermediate

  • 2 Gallede (Powerful Storm)
  • 2 Gardevoir (Psychic Mirage)
  • 1 Kirlia
  • 4 Ralts
  • 2 Sigilyph (Safeguard)
  • 3 Meloetta (Echoed Voice)
  • 3 Mewtwo Ex
Total: 17 Pokemon

  • 2 Monlight Stadium
  • 4 Rare Candy
  • 3 Max Revive
  • 3 Energy Retrieval
  • 3 Professor Oak's New Theory
  • 4 Pokemon Communication
  • 2 Professors Letter
  • 1 Rock Guard (Ace-Spec)
  • 2 Skyla
  • 2 Scott
Total: 26 Trainers
- Thought about adding 2 Curse Powder

  • 17 Basic Psychic

Get Gardevoir with Psychic Mirage in the bench and then attack with Mewtwo Ex (X Ball) or Gallede (Powerful Storm)... Moonligth Stadium will give the ability to move around as this is a mono colored deck... One strategy this deck has is that since Gallede says 20 times the energy attached to all my pokemon, indirectly fuel Powerful Storm while charging the bench which could feature a mewtwo Ex (great attacker) or Sigilyph (which is invulnerable to Ex's)...
Any advice/opinion is appreciated... Thanks :)
You have way too many energy in your deck
-4 psychic
You can replace this with other cards that can benefit more.

Also this is just throwing an idea around, but you have no energy acceleration, I mean your energy count as two but you have no way of getting the energy onto your field. You could use Delcatty from platinum and Ether from plasma storm to speed this up, not sure if it's effective or not, but it could be good. If you do go this route you can cut the energy retrievals and take out the pokemon communications for ultra balls so you can discard the psychic energy.
On a different note, you need more draw power, with this deck being unlimited, the options see endless. There's N, juniper, professor oak, bill, and many many more.
MaD_DoG said:
You have way too many energy in your deck
-4 psychic
You can replace this with other cards that can benefit more.

Also this is just throwing an idea around, but you have no energy acceleration, I mean your energy count as two but you have no way of getting the energy onto your field. You could use Delcatty from platinum and Ether from plasma storm to speed this up, not sure if it's effective or not, but it could be good. If you do go this route you can cut the energy retrievals and take out the pokemon communications for ultra balls so you can discard the psychic energy.
On a different note, you need more draw power, with this deck being unlimited, the options see endless. There's N, juniper, professor oak, bill, and many many more.

Thanks for the comment... :)

Professor's Letter is used for energy acceleration and through the fact that I have many energy it's more probable that Professor Oak's New Theory (which is also for draw power) will get me some in the shuffle... Don't think it would be effective to use Delcatty as it is a Stage One which has to be in the active position in order to get energy, and after that it only gets one at a time... Ether is no promise of getting an energy... Both this cards can be replaced with either Energy Search or Professor's Letter, which take less space and assure an energies... Pokemon communication was picked precisely for that no discard is required... Why would you discard energy to look for a pokemon that will need it to attack?
I picked non-supporters for energy search as these would leave that space open for other cards like Skyla which search for them in the deck, amounting to getting even more energy...

I'll probably go:
-1 Energy Retrieval
+1 Professor's Letter
This is an unlimited deck right? And by energy acceleration I mean't getting more than 1 energy on the field per turn. I wasn't suggesting the Delcatty from boundaries crossed, I was suggesting an old one from platinum because this is an unlimited deck. This Delcatty doesn't have to be active and it makes ether way more reliable. The reason I was suggesting ultra ball over p. comm. is because energy has to be in the discard for it to use its poke power, which takes 2 energy from your discard and puts them on top of your deck, that's how it makes ether more reliable.
MaD_DoG said:
This is an unlimited deck right? And by energy acceleration I mean't getting more than 1 energy on the field per turn. I wasn't suggesting the Delcatty from boundaries crossed, I was suggesting an old one from platinum because this is an unlimited deck. This Delcatty doesn't have to be active and it makes ether way more reliable. The reason I was suggesting ultra ball over p. comm. is because energy has to be in the discard for it to use its poke power, which takes 2 energy from your discard and puts them on top of your deck, that's how it makes ether more reliable.

Now I get what you meant, the Delcatty with Power Circulation...
Sorry, I misunderstood...
In this case I'll give it further consideration, Thanks for clarifying... :)
It's always nice to see Unlimited deck concepts! Feel free to check out our alternate format, Complete Palace if you're interested in a varied, interesting and fun new experience!

For the Deck itself, as you're using a two-line evolution family, I'd definitely add Surprise! Time Machine to your deck. With this, you can add even more copies of one of the required Stage 2 Pokémon, and Pokémon Communication is not really needed anymore. Also, I'd add another Kirlia. Just in case that you won't place your only one to the Prize. With this, even Broken Time-Space can be used instead of Rare Candies. I'd also drop 1 Meloetta, I think 2 is enough.
Sheodon said:
It's always nice to see Unlimited deck concepts! Feel free to check out our alternate format, Complete Palace if you're interested in a varied, interesting and fun new experience!

For the Deck itself, as you're using a two-line evolution family, I'd definitely add Surprise! Time Machine to your deck. With this, you can add even more copies of one of the required Stage 2 Pokémon, and Pokémon Communication is not really needed anymore. Also, I'd add another Kirlia. Just in case that you won't place your only one to the Prize. With this, even Broken Time-Space can be used instead of Rare Candies. I'd also drop 1 Meloetta, I think 2 is enough.

I checked out your format and it's really interesting :) It really works for leveling the playing field...

As for the deck, you are right regarding Kirlia and I have added another, although I wouldn't take out Pokemon Communication as it works for looking up whichever Pokemon I need at the moment, let's say Mewtwo Ex for damage or Sigilyph in case of Ex trouble, which Surprise! Time Machine wouldn't let me search for... And since Surprise! Time Machine counts as evolving my Pokemon and it needs to be a stage one already, I would still need three turns to fully evolve while through Rare Candy I just need two and it can still be searched for with Skyla for quicker access... Now regarding Meloetta, I was just trying for it to be in my first couple of draws as it can do quite some damage without that many energy, but if I were to need card space I guess this would be were I'd make the cut, as you've pointed out it may have one too many...
Thanks for the advice :)...