• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Mewtwo EX/Tornadus EX/Bouffalant


Aspiring Trainer
Edit: Things not in parentheses are the original post I made, things in parentheses are edits and considerations.

Pokemon (10 Total):
-3x Mewtwo Ex (Running 2 is an option instead of 3)
-2x Tornadus Ex (Running 3 is an option)
-3x Bouffalant (Considering running anywhere from 0-3 of these)
-2x Sigilyph (Not sure about Sigilyph, 0-2 of these)
-(0-3 Landorus EX)
-(0-3 Terrakion (Noble Victories))
Trainers (38 Total):
-4x Professor Juniper
-4x N
-4x Bianca
-2x Skyla
-4x Ultra ball
-3x Pokemon Catcher
-4x Switch
-4x Plus power (Dropped for 4 Hypnotoxic Laser)
-3x Eviolite (-1 for Computer search, Dosing Machine, or Scramble Switch)
-2x Tool Scrapper
-2x Max Potion
-2x Apertia City gym (Dropped for 2 Virbank City Gym)
(1x Computer Search, Dowsing Machine, or Scramble Switch)
Energy (12 Total):
-4x Double colorless energy
-8x Basic Psychic energy (8 Fighting energy, 8 Psychic energy, or a combination of both depending on Pokemon line)

I am considering getting into this game and my goal is to create a good but relatively inexpensive deck. This what I have come up with so far and am open to advice for changes to the deck as long as the changes do not up the price of making the deck. Also if anyone knows of inexpensive ways to get any of these cards please tell me. I am really reluctant to get into this game for many reasons. The number 1 reason is how expensive it is to get playable cards, the second reason is I am 19 (20 in August) and having never played the game much (except online) I wonder if it is worth starting now. Is there a large over age 20 population in this game? I live in Asheville, North Carolina so if anyone lives near there let me know.

Any advice will be helpful, thank you.
RE: Considering Playing Pokemon TCG any advice?

Thats actually not a bad list to start testing with, I would recommend that you look into using Landorus EX as well. In this type of deck, I have found that 2-3 Ultra will be fine since the majority of the time, you will draw into your Pokemon and you don't want to build up a giant bench anyways
RE: Considering Playing Pokemon TCG any advice?

Thanks for your willingness to learn! I'm gonna move this list to the Deck List Help forum, ok?
Hey man I've been using a deck similiar to this and with the release of Plasma Storm approaching us. I would highly recommend these changes:
-2 Aspertia
-4 Pluspower
+2 Virbank
+4 Hypnotoxic Lazer
The reasons these are good changes is because Hypnotoxic Lazer is like a triple pluspower with a bonus of sleep with Virbank and in my opinion serious donking power > +20 Hp. With Virbank Tornadus EX can hit for 90 turn one which is just crazy, and can put lots of pressure on the opponent early game. You can get the lazers in the new plasma storm theme decks. Good luck with your deck sir.
I've been testing this deck on Play Tcg and Virbank Gym + Hypnotoxic laser are certainly the way to go. I am really comfortable with the supporter + Trainer line though testing (dropping apertia and plus power for Virbank + lasers). The things I am still working on are the Pokemon line and the Ace Specs card.

These changes have already been made-
-2 Asperta City Gym
-4 Plus Power
+2 Virbank City Gym
+4 Hypnotoxic laser

I am testing with dropping Sigilyph and Bouffalant and adding Landorus EX and Terrakion right now. This is a modified pokemon list (still testing)-
-3 Mewtwo EX
-3 Tornadus EX
-3 Landorus EX
-2 Terrakion (Noble Victories)

Sigilyph has is very good sometimes but it requires psychic energy so it would hurt consistency to run it with fighting so i'am not sure if its worth having. Terrakion usually better than Bouffalant because of Darkrai and still 2 shots EX's not running eviolite (Eviolite may become less common/significant due to Virbank Lasers). The advantage of Bouffalant is it one shots EX's that are at 150 HP with the help of a Laser. Landorus can Hammerhead benched EX's setting up one shots with Bouffalant. So there are a lot of options to consider with this deck. I will likely chose an inexpensive one.

As for Ace Specs cards these are the options:

-Computer Search- Helps with overall consistency
-Dowsing Machine- Helps to get another catcher, max potion, laser, etc.
-Scramble Switch- Good with max potion and can set up crazy load up Mewtwo plays for OHKOs (especially with Virbank + Lasers)