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Mewtwo EX / Toxicroak EX / Garbodor


Aspiring Trainer

  • 3 Mewtwo EX
    2 Toxicroak EX
    2 Trubbish (not sure which)
    2 Garbodor (DE)
    1 Mr. Mime (PF)

  • 4 Virbank City Gym
    3 Hypnotoxic Lasers
    4 Skyla
    4 Professor Juniper
    2 Colress
    4 Red Card
    1 Town Map
    1 Computer Search
    4 Lysandre
    3 Float Stone
    1 Muscle Band
    1 Fan Club
    1 Evosoda
    2 Professor's Letter
    2 Lysandre's Last Revenge (PF)

  • 8 Psychic Energy
    4 Double Colorless Energy

Poison them, and disrupt them. Stall their hands. Stall their abilities. Stall their pokemon location.A lot of tool, but I want to not run out due to megaphone's. I want help finding more consistency. Especially on Pokémon retrieval. Also, I wanted to fit some startling megaphone's in. Any other help or advice you can give me is great.

By the way, I am new here, so I apologize if I have broken any rules. Please do tell me if I have, because I would like to avoid making mistakes in the future.
thedemonbarber said:
By the way, I am new here, so I apologize if I have broken any rules. Please do tell me if I have, because I would like to avoid making mistakes in the future.

Everything looks good. Nice job!

I noticed you mentioned wanting to make your list more consistent. I would start out with these changes:

-1 Skyla
-1 Lysandre
-1 Lysandre's Last Resort
-1 Professor's Letter
+4 N

If you're having problems with draw, it might be because you have too many non-draw Supporters. You can play more Item based draw, but I think some of your Supporter counts are overkill, so I'd just say take some of them out for more draw. N is an excellent card. Shuffle draw is good when you have a lot of cards in your hand you want to hold on to, but you can't or don't want to play them at the moment--maybe evolutions, excess Energy, Lysandre, etc. And N can really let you make a comeback too if you play it at the right time.

-1 Mr. Mime; Since you're playing Garbodor, Mr. Mime is more often than not going to be a dead card.
-2 Red Card; 4 is overkill.
-2 Virbank City Gym; 2 is plenty. Maybe 3 if you really want to win the Stadium war, but at that point it tends to clog up your hand.
-1 Evosoda; Ultra Ball is more versatile.
-1 Town Map; You shouldn't be worried about prizing anything terribly important.

+3 Ultra Ball; Best Pokemon search at the moment. Can pull anything out of your deck.
+2 Muscle Band; This is a card you would want to play multiple copies of. I'd say play 4, but you only play 3 Mewtwo, and Toxicroak can't really abuse Muscle Band. (I guess you could use his other attack, but I'm assuming that's not what it's in here for.) Mewtwo DCE Muscle Band and Virbank Laser can do 90 turn 1.
+2 Startling Megaphone; As per your request!

Hope this helps!
This looks like a good deck. I might try it.
I think that you should take out 2 red cards and 1 Virbank Gym to put in three N if they take prizes to quickly.
Also Mr. Mime is shut down by Garbodor.
Dowsing Machine may be better that computer search to get Hypnotoxic Lasers back.
You can take out a Lysandre, a Skyla, and a Professor Juniper to put in more Pokemon Fan Clubs.
I wanted to keep the lysandre's last resort for the sake of not discarding anything precious, and i would hate to juniper my only lysandre's last resort, so i thought two would be good, but i dont know

but you guys are so right, mr mime totally has to go