Ruling Mewtwo Lvl. X


Aspiring Trainer
Hi again, i come with another question

Its about the Mewtwo Lvl. X from Legends Awakened and its pokebody

Prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to Mewtwo by your opponent´s Pokémon that isn´t and Evolved Pokémon.

My question comes regarding pokemons that are basic, like Arceus or Heatran for example, but that can become a Lvl. X.

So in a imaginary case:

My opponent has a Mewtow Lvl. X as active pokemon, and i have a Arceus as my active pokemon, and i play Arceus Lvl. X over it, that can be considered as evolving and Arceus Lvl. X would be able to damage Mewtwo Lvl. X??

or even after becoming a Lvl X, Arceus continues to be considered basic and still unable to damage Mewtwo?

Another related question comes regarding the old card Pokemon Breeder

Put a Stage 2 Evolution card from your hand on the matching Basic Pokémon. You can only play this card when you would be allowed to evolve that Pokémon anyway

Stage 2 pokemon that used Pokémon Breeder to be put in play are considered evolved pokemon, and they can damage Mewtwo Lvl. X?

and a final offtopic question, would be, what are the sets that are being rotated out this year and in which date?

Thank you.
Actually it is leveling up, but it is still treated as the same stage which is a basic in this case.
Stage 2 Pokemon evolved by using Breeder or Rare Candy can damage Mewtwo LV.X
There is no official word on what sets are being cut yet. if any and when if they are cutting.~Mark