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MI states URGENT!!!!-->Combee/Vespiquen


So....who likes shirts?
Everyone who is wondering, "Hey, didn't he say he couldn't go to states?". Well, if scheduling appropriates itself correctly, I have a chance of going, so here's my last minute Combee/Vespiquen Tank deck...

Pokemon (19):
4-4 Vespiquen SF
2-2 Cherrim SF
1-1 Landmin LV. X (Shaymin UL)
2 Uxie LA
1 Unown Q
1 Azelf LA

T/S/S (30):
3 Bebe's Search
1 Department Store Girl
2 Expert Belt
3 Junk Arm
2 Memory Berry
4 Pluspower
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Pokemon Communication
2 Pokemon Rescue
4 Seeker

Energy (11):
4 Rainbow

Strategy: Get out Combee and evolve as quickly as possible. Attach Rainbow energy to benched Vespiquen to give it 10 damage and use Shaymin to move the energy to the active Vespiquen. Deals 90 damage T1 or T2 and with Shaymin X, can tank with 160 hp, using Bee Drain to recover a solid 40 or 50 when koing pixies or damaged enemies.
First off, either max out Call or take it out completely (I am assuming you are taking it out, because I dislike Call). Second, get rid of the 4 Rainbow Energy, and put in 2 Grass, replacing the other 2 with 1 Pokemon Collector, and 1 Unown P (Put). Take out 1 Expert Belt for 1 Bebe's Search (for consistency). Take out Junk Arm for 1 more BTS, because you are never going to get it out early game with 2. I am assuming your Combee are the new UD ones, and I would also consider putting in 1 SF Combee (57/100), for emergencies (like incase your Unown Q is killed and you need to re-use it). So:

-2 Call
-4 Rainbow
-1 E-Belt
-1 Junk Arm
-1 Combee

+4 Grass
+1 Pokemon Collector
+1 Unown P
+1 Bebe's Search
+1 BTS
+1 SF Combee 57/100

I would also try and max out Pokemon Rescue.
Hope this helps :)
^I'll agree while some of what was said, but not all. You can't rely on unown P solely. They can power lock it or kill it after one turn. A mix of unown P and rainbow is best, I think. Now if you're using unown P, you probably don't need 4 rainbow energy.
venasour X: I probably should've said this firstpost but, I dont have Unown P so its no an option. I've found that Rainbow Energy with Shaymin is more consistent. As for the Call energy, I only have 2, but I REALLY need them as its hard to set up (although, benching a Combee w/ 30 hp is probably not a good idea). I need 4 Combee, for set up and Combee Sf isn't as efficient as Pokemon Rescue or Palmer's Contribution since it takes up bench space. I do think 3 E-belt is a bit much since I have memory berry, so I'll take 1 out and Ill try to fit a 3rd BTS.'

amisheskimoninja: As i said above, I don't have Unown P so it's not an option, besides Shaymin works well, and Seeker or SSU can help if they spray. Also, it really is only to switch energy and make the deck a little faster, so if they spray, it's not like it's the end of the world :p.