Miami Cities


The most derpiest player in the game.
This being my first cities I came prepared with my EZ and Genies (Eelektrik, Zekrom, Tornadus, Thunderus)
Heres how the matches played out-

v.s. AJ w/ Landorus, DonChamp
My heart sunk. I was gonna have a bad start to the day. WHAT THE HECK WAS I THINKING! Turn 1 I got 2 Tornadus out w/ a Tynamo. pass. He got a landurous and started attaching. pass. I got Eelektrik and sages and discarded 3 Energies and attached 2 from the discard to Tornadus and 1 from my hand. Hurricane for 80. pass. He had nothing. pass. Retreated Tornadus Attached to tornadus from hand and hurricaned for the donk. 1-0

v.s Dominic w/ Hydreigon Emboar
This was the first time i had seen this deck but i could tell what the strategy was from just hearing the deck. Use Inferno Fandango to attach to Hydreigon to use his attack.
He started up his Hydreigon on turn 2 with the Emboar and he had the whole hand of fire energies. Even though i had my two Zekroms, i coulnt catch up on prizes. 1-1

v.s Amy w/ Kingdra Mandibuzz
Easy win. i got everything i needed for the win. 2-1

v.s Carter w/ 3V (Vanilluxe, Victini, Vileplume)
Best game so far. He got his strategie up but kept missing heads w/ Vanilluxe. I powered up Zekrom and started wreking the field. 3-1

Top Cut---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I had the same record as everybody else in Top Cut which was super rediculous.
It was Top 4.

v.s Carter... again
Same thing as last time and im questioning how he made it to top cut with his terrible luck.

Top 2
vs Dominic w/ Hydreiboar
No Doubt I'd see this guy. He swept the floor with me with his insanely fast set up.

2nd place isnt that bad for a beginner is it? ;)